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i finished my exams ;)
now i must clean and tidy my room crying , clean the pc, make cds, make drawings, imvu products etc....

Hello my friend, how are you?

Finally I have finished my exams, I have passed 5 exams of 8, so i have to make again this 3 failed exams in September.

I failed English; the grammar part only but enough for do not pass this subject, i did 4 exams of English, reading, listening, writing and grammar, and the people that pass this parts makes the oral exam.

We have here 6 opportunities for redoing an exam, 2 each year, but i hope to spent only 2 opportunities, because i want to pass to second course with all the signatures finished.

Today i received a call from the post office, they offered me a job, i will go tomorrow for an interview, if they gave me this job i hope to earn enough money for my paying the next course.

I sent a petition of job two years ago, and i was very surprised about they called me again, because , i received other call the past year and i refused because i was studying.

A month ago an hotel offered me also to work as waitress, but i was in exams....
I received this offer because i had been studying a course of Restoration

If i get the job this will be my first job ^_^U

Gulli was running today followed by the evil Blanqui, she is very crazy attacking him and also attacks the poor other cat called Mimi, this cat hasn't claws, because his owners ordered to make an horrible amputation of his first phalanges.
This cat is about 10 years old, and now this kind of operation is banned by the law.

So Gulli is ver stressed when he must to defend his territory of Mimi and other alley cats and when his love Blanqui atacks him i have some pictures of my cat and others things in my space of msn biggrin

I know that his message is quite long, but i know that i should to practice more English, and this can be a good method maybe to learn.
If you see a big mistake in this text please tell me it ^_^U

Well now i go to bed, take care and see you soon biggrin .

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