I did one!!
 Name: Helina Village: Leaf Boyfriend: Neji Best friend: Hinata Rank: Genin Age: 13 About: You dont like it when people bother you a usually stay out of peoples way. You think that people are destined to do something and sometimes destinies can change. You believe that people have some nice quality in them. People usually think youre scary and some hot but stay away because you are a real skilled fighter. Naruto: She looks like Hinata. (nyahchan: *blushing* Oh... you think so??) Sakura: She is nice at times but I would never challenge her. (nyahchan: Haha !!) Sasuke: She gave me a headache. (nyahchan: *stifled laugher*) Kakashi: She is a very skilled fighter and really good at talking to people. Tsunade: She is very nice a skilled she can become hokage one day. (nyahchan: *laughs and tips pretend hokage hat*) Hinata: Shes really nice and lets me cut her hair for her. (nyahchan: Oh Hinata! You're sooo nice!! ^w^ Can you tell I'm a naruhina fan??) Ino: She is annoying at times because she doesnt understand why I love Sasuke. (nyahchan: YOU LIKE EMOS???) Tenten: She is really skilled she beat me in a battle. (nyahchan: *peace sign*) Temari: She is good but cannot stand my fan. (nyahchan: Oi! Shut up 'fore I club your head off!!) Kiba: Shes really hot (Neji: Hey) but Akamaru doesnt like her. (nyahchan: *whaps neji* Reeeeeeeeeeeeeally Kiba-kuuuuuuuhn?) Itachi: She is is Hot. (Neji: Stop it.) (nyahchan: *whaps neji again, then Itachi* Itachi, Kyoko's got you covered. Neji, I AM NOT YOUR GIRLFRIEND!! D< wink Shikamaru: She doesnt call me lazy. (nyahchan: *pats shika's pinapple head* It's ok Shika.) Shino: Shes nice. (nyahchan: Yay!) Gaara: She is fine. (nyahchan: =_=; ) Jiraiya: Almost blinded me for staring at her. (nyahchan: scream get away!!) Neji: She is the best girlfriend at understands me. (nyahchan: *whaps neji again* YOU ALMOST KILLED HINATA! I SHALL NEVER FORGIVE YOU!! scream scream scream ) Chouji: nice (nyahchan: *blinks* you're nice too.) Rock Lee: She is so unyouthful (nyahchan: Too much stress I'm tellin' you.) Konohamaru: She pretty. (nyahchan: suck up.) Orochimaru: Her body can be of use. (nyahchan: AAAAAAAAAAAA!! *runs away as fast as she can*)
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Abstractic · Wed Aug 15, 2007 @ 02:26am · 0 Comments |