" I...I don't understand," stammered Micheal in a fearful voice as he stood in the great thrown room. He set his blue, beautiful eyes, up at his step-mother. She sat on the throne, twirling her fan in her hands. Her two sons stood on either side of her, looking down at their step brother.
" Vith the death of my dear husband und as my new rule for being queen uf this kingdom, I can do anything I desire. Und vat I desire is you gone from this vorld..." Queen Ivory stopped as she shut her fan with a snap to follow, " permantely" She concluded and gave a sneer. The oldest of her two sons snickered as the other son remained silent.
Micheal's eyes grew wide in shock.
" But...I still don't understand. Vhy? Vhy do you hate me so that you vant me..." he gulped " dead?" demanded Micheal in the most bravest voice he could muster.
The eldest of Ivory's sons gave a snicker, " Vat an idiot!" Micheal turned his attention on him.
" Vat is there to understand dear brother? The reason ve hate you so much is that ve vant you dead is that you are a lil b*****d monster!" stated Caleb with a wide smirk on his pale face.
Ivery giggled in way that annoyed Micheal and opened her fan and closed it again with a snap. " That's right, exactly my point, my dear son," praised Ivory giving him a smile and turned back to Micheal, opening her fan and waving it, " You are a lil monster, Micheal, und as such a monster is supposed to be dead, let alone be the next king!"
Everyone turned their heads to the jester that stood closely to Micheal. Micheal's mouth was open as he stared at his friend.
Queen Ivory's face turned a deep scarlet in such anger.
"HOW DARE YOU, FOOL!" she boomed.
The shoulder lenthed red hair jseter glared at her and smiled.
" How dare I vat? Speak ze truth? You are just filled vith hot air that the great King Alexanderas didn't leave your pathetic sons next in line for the crown before he collasped on his death bed, but he handed it over to the rightful heir! Vich is Micheal! The entire kingdom knoes that Micheal should be sittin gon that chiar vhere you big fat a** sets!" shouted Marius, setting a comforting hand on his friend's shoulder.
Gasps came from Caleb, Niles, and the servants who stood in the hall. They looked at Marius and Micheal adn then back at Queen Ivory. She twisted the feathered fan in her hands and eventually she broke it in two.
" GUARDS!!!" She boomed in such a rage and the steel-plated men came into the room, surrounding Micheal and Marius, pointing thier spears at them. " KILL THEM!!! KILL THEM BOTH!!!"
Marius got infront of Micheal and glared at the guards.
" How can you take orders from a fraud? If you kill us, you all vill commit genocide!"
THe guards just stood there and looked at another. Micheal clunged onto Marius' shirt looking around. He looked up at the back of his friends head.
" Mari... let's just run for it," whispered Micheal as he clung onto him closer as tears streamed down his face.
Marius quickly turned hishead around and looked at his friend in shock.
" But...Micheal--"
" I don't care about taking the place of king...I'm too young as it is...und I am not ready..." interupted Micheal.
" Micah--"
" Und besides...my fazah vouldn't vant me to die like this..." choked Micheal as tears flowed freely down his face.
Marius stared at his friend a little in ah but then made a gentle smile and nodded.
" Alvright...ve vill do that," whispered Marius and took out a whistle from his jester pants pocket.
" Vat are you doing? Kill them!" outbursted Caleb to the guards.
Maruis smirked at him and the queen.
" They von't be killing us today."
He placed the endof the whistle to his lips and blowed. The sound of the whistle expanded from the room, the castle, adn then the entire kingdom could hear it. A rumbling came on the ground and soon a giant black coated horse bursted thru the double doors of the throne room and ran up to the spot of where Marius and Micheal stood.
THe horse knocked out some guards coming thru and lowered it's head coming to a stop. Marius quickly put the whistle back in the pocket and jumped up on the horse and held out his hand for Micheal's.
Micheal looked from him to his step family.
Ivory jumped off the seat and Caleb was pulling out his sword, starting to come thru the crowd of guards. Niles didn't seemt to do anything. He just stood there and watched. Their eyes met and Micheal saw that Niles mouthed,
" Go on...be free."
" Come on, Micheal!" shouted Marius, " Take my hand! Come on!"
Micheal nodded and took ahold of his friend's hand. Marius pulled him up on the horse behind him.
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