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The Book of Chaos: ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK!
I love to write about ANYTHING! RP 's I may have made, things going on that I want to talk about...just a bunch of wonderful randomness! ^^- Oh, and a whole lot of Hiei stuff too! :heart:
Sixth Month of Chaos the 19th day of Relaxation
*Does a little jig* xd WOOT! I am so HAPPY!! Even though I have a Personal Fitness Test on Tuesday... stare I am STILL HAPPY! Hehehe mrgreen I found Two really cute Anime Keychains at Hot Topic yesterday. ED AND HIEI!!! heart YESSS!!! *sighs happily* They also had Alphonse, Roy, and Whinrey. WOOT WOOT! GO FMA!!! twisted

Nothing really exiting has happened today, the only thing really interseting at all about anything at all this week, was that I got my haircut. Its REALLY GOOD TOO! eek Its shorter, I have bangs now, and it looks really nice! WOOT WOOT! Hehe.. mrgreen The other thing that was at all fun this week was going to the Sanford Mall yesterday with my friends from school. It was fun!! twisted
Althouuuuuuuuugh, we DID torture Billy about her HUGE obsession over Javert from Les Miserables. Poor Billy....(cough)..Hehehe sweatdrop


KT Aka: Andy, Betty, Rei, and Thorns

KURAMA LOVES YOU KT!!! 3nodding heart
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BILLY Aka: __________uhhhh billy..

JAERT AND INU LOVES YOU!!! But I'd Watch out, Inu might get angry with you if you spend too much time with JAVERT!!!


(just pretend that Kouga is Javert !! xd )

MEGAN Aka: Nakari, and Joey

SATOSHI LOVES YOU!!! ( I Know you love Kurama too. but, Kt'll kill me and you know it! 3nodding )

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VICKIE Aka: KyosTears89 and V- CHAN!


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AND THERE YOU HAVE IT!!!!!!!!! 4laugh

DM: You certainly have a lot of time on your hands Sakura-sama ninja
Sakura: *shrugs* I wanted to do it! SO I DID IT!!
DM: Sounds lot like your realionship with Hiei-sama..*snickers*
Sakura: WHY YOU!! * materializes a baseball bat a WHAMS him sight* stressed
Hiei: * from behind her* do know a certain extent that is true.. 3nodding
Sakura; * blushies* Oh Hiei, hehe..I love you..for more than..the "pleasure" ..* looks at him earnestly* You do know that, don't you???
Hiei" *smiles and takes her hand* Of course I know that, trust me, we wouldn't have gotten married if thats all there was to "us". heh. But thats not the case..I love you, for everything that you are.
Sakrua: *blushies* HIEI!!!!! *huggles him*
Hiei: *blushies and kisses her*

THE END FOR TODAY!!! 4laugh ninja