It is bonechilling cold out here.
The mountains tower above us now... We've come so far, the end of the forest is near. Our fire crackles, it is dark... But I still feel the mountain over us. The others are curled in the snow around me, and the hounds among us, keeping us warm... but I am still cold.
The journey so far... it has tired them, tired me, and maybe the beast is tired to... is that why it doesn't take us now? Or does it prefer... to hunt... to wait... to toy with us. To drive us mad.
The chase... is better than the catch?
The landscape here is barren. Few trees are left, the white birches, Standing in clumps, surrounding us... but not enough to hide us. I can see uo the path, the terrain becomes rocky... leading up to the mountain above us.
I am so restless.
Another turns in their sleep...
I wonder how they can sleep at all out here. It is too cold... and I am to frightened to sleep.
Even the watch is asleep...
How unwise. We are ungaurded.
Dagger in my belt, I rise.
One hound lifts it's sleek head. "How like a wolf you are," I say to it, soflty as not to wake the others, "So like a wild beast? Why do you stay and not cold?"
The wolf-like beast stands, it's eyes glistening in the fire...
"I will call you Lykainion."
It's breathe is like mist in the freeze of air.
I leave the circle of light made by the fire. Lykainion follows.
"Protector Wolf, will you fight the beast if it comes?"
Silence from the maw of my gaurdian.
The trees are ghastly... the rustle and whisper as though they have a secret... a secret they would do well to share, a secret which could save... 'Where does it lurk?' the branches ask... 'I know where it lurks.' The leaves answer.
They don't speak a tongue I know...
Up the path, I am not searching, but oh to find it waiting for me...
But behind the great rocks...
There is nothing but bloody bones. And the mountain.
Bloody bones?
Lykainion is afraid. So am I.
Damn... the watch.
The beast came and took another of ours. The tatters of his clothes litter the ground.
And the blood.
I must wake the others.
But the beast is gone.
It has had its fill for tonight.
My name is Lyall Tynan. I hunt the beast that killed them all... one by one...
We are survivors.
And we are hunters...
And we are prey.
![]() Cheza Calanthe Community Member ![]() |
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