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Stuff that I write when I have nothing else to Ummm.. I like stuffs and that's all i'm going to say!!!!!!!

Community Member
Here we go!
sorry this took a while to get the second part but here it is!

Everyone was certain that they were to live to peace but that completely changed by one fateful day. We shall begin many months before that day. We shall start when the royals were making their way through the annual parade of the Shireshore year festival. Today was the 300th year that Shireshore has been a peaceful country.

“Well my friends, it has been 3 centuries since the great battle,” said a cloaked figure watching the parade. 3 other cloaked figures nodded back at him. “Where is Liza?” asked one of the people has she removed her hood. The other three followed pursuit and looked around. “She will feel my wrath as soon as I spot her!” said Lance. “Calm down Lance,” said Holland. “He won’t listen,” said Skyla, the second speaker. The first speaker was Thasdor, the children’s teacher. “Children, this is an opportunity to celebrate with your families,” said Thasdor. “Fine Thasdor,” said Skyla. “Are we going to continue with our “studies” later sir?” asked Holland as he held Lance back from running away. “Very well, after the fireworks, when EVERYONE is present,” he said. The children got the idea and nodded back. “See you later Thasdor,” said Skyla as she helped Holland drag Lance toward each other’s houses. “They have much to learn before it happens,” thought Thasdor.

Mean while…Liza was watched the parade from the castle garden. “Why must I be stuck here,” she thought to herself. “Liza! There you are,” said one of the maids in the castle, “your friends are here to pick you up.” Liza nodded and headed towards the gate. When she got there, Lance was about to lose his mind. “WHERE WERE YOU!!!!!!!!!” he screeched. “Sorry, my mother wanted me to work later, so are we going to practice later?” she asked. “Yes, after the fireworks,” said Holland. “Good,” said Liza.

Before we continue, here’s a quick summary of the characters. Lance is a 17 year old kid with an anger problem (obviously) but he just is worried about his friends. He is the fighter of the group and has black hair with purple eyes. Holland is 16 year old kid who is the strongest of them all and is someone who is always good at heart. He’s more of the quiet one and has red hair with brown eyes. Liza is a 16 year old kid who is the dreamer of the group. She wants to explore the world and have fun and has blonde hair with green eyes. Skyla is a 17 year old kid who is smart one of the group but she likes to “change things up” every once and a while. She has the fighter type personality and has brown hair with blue eyes. Their teacher, Thasdor, is somewhat unknown to them. He came up to each one of them one day and said that they were one day help stop the evil in the country. He realized that each of the children had possessed a power with him/her that could help them. Lance has the power of earth, Holland has the power of water, Liza has the power of stars, and Skyla has the power of air. Thasdor is the one who is teaching the children to use and control their powers.

User Comments: [7]
Community Member

Tue Feb 05, 2008 @ 01:54am

Lance sounds hot mrgreen

Community Member

Tue Feb 05, 2008 @ 02:01am

wow maybe i should change it.... jk eek mrgreen

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Wed Feb 06, 2008 @ 02:30am

OOH can i be liza??????? whee

Community Member

Wed Feb 06, 2008 @ 06:57am

question question question question question question question question question question question question question question question question question question question question
........... I don't know ....... question

Community Member

Wed Feb 06, 2008 @ 11:49pm

katie this is something i just made up

iP E E tampons
Community Member

Sun Feb 10, 2008 @ 01:45pm

wheres the llama!?!?!
-goes chaotic-

Community Member

Sun Feb 10, 2008 @ 01:51pm

its only the beginning subu

User Comments: [7]
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