Anything that you have honestly wanted to know about me, you'll find it here.
What i'm going through, as well as poems, and how my week has gone, etc etc.
The never-ending wish
Why do i feel this pain, Burried deep in my heart? Why does it torment me? Why does it start, to feed off the fears, I've cast long ago? Where did it come from, and why is it here? Dit it come from a friend, who stoped caring, or did it come from a past love, who took her life, the day we were to be wed........ she did it, that morning, in our very own bed.
rebecca fox · Community Member · Tue Jul 26, 2005 @ 05:21pm
*hugs* It'll be okay. . . . GUESS WHAT!?!??!?!?!?! I was playing FF7 and yea! I found a statue of Aerith! I'm going to buy it for Boy. He deserves it. Aerith lives!