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User Comments: [32]
Community Member

Thu May 08, 2008 @ 03:09pm

stare ...i dont hate u sad loli boy's a drama queen which is fine with me but he has to tune it down we're otaku we joke as much as we blink.

Community Member

Thu May 08, 2008 @ 09:08pm

... (this is my comment...THE COLD SHOULDER OF SOLITUDE-Y-NESS!!! .....j/k...umm.....well.....hrmm....i gotta thing this over too......gimme a sec....

ok....got it.....crap! i lost it again....another sec please.....

ok....got it....finally.....ok.....

CRAP IT ALL!...i g2g....ill comment later after i come back....k?....if u dont mind, of course....))

Silbr Angekl
Community Member

Thu May 08, 2008 @ 09:52pm

no offense to either of you but your both acting exetremely stupid and immature. *no sarah dont comment on that*

really dont threaten to kill yourself marie thats just selfish to say. killing yourself is the most selfish thing that a person can do because it deprives others of you. a life lost cannot be recovered so dont be stupid and kill yourself. even if your only reason 2 live is others. i no how it is thats how i live my life. but remember some1 out there has it a whole hell of alot worse than you.

this also applies to you cody. dont kill yourself because of those reasons and because your catholic if you kill yourself youll go straight to hell no chance for redemption. so dont do it though i think we have already gone over this with you. now really cody you have sorta lot sarah im sorry mate. me and alex realized you werent in the best of moods but we couldnt pinpoint what. so we couldnt help. dont worry though anything can be healed and repaired even something like this. *sarah dont you contradict me on this* *because i know you will later*

and once again. idc if either of you "Know how to Fight" if i see either of you so much as raise a fist i will flat you on the ground in less than a second. i take kenpo so if i break a rib its your fault. violence is never an answer you both should know that and making threats isnt something you should do either. watch your selves.

now last off, marie that was very rude and inconsiderate of you to tell cody that he's lost sarah. you really dont realize how tht could impact someones entire outlook on life. even if he already knows its still not something to say *dont give me some stupid truth crap i dont want to hear it as far as im concerned im going to re-educate both of you in decency and mannerism* you need to think on the power of your words and actions before you end up with something written in blood. something that cant be changed. i dont care if you hate eachother you need to THINK before you speak.

oh and cody relly stealing someones stuff isnt a nice joke i get pissed at my friends when they take my stuff even with tj so lets refrain from stealing ppls cell phones ok?

you are both equally stupid and immature im not takin sides

Community Member

Thu May 08, 2008 @ 10:25pm

... (this is my comment...THE COLD SHOULDER OF SOLITUDE-Y-NESS!!! .....j/k...umm.....well.....hrmm....i gotta thing this over too......gimme a sec....

ok....got it.....crap! i lost it again....another sec please.....

ok....got it....finally.....ok.....

CRAP IT ALL!...i g2g....ill comment later after i come back....k?....if u dont mind, of course....))

Community Member

Thu May 08, 2008 @ 10:42pm

haha, well will im gonna respond anyway. id just like to say marie is not suggesting to kill herself or cody, i dont no where u got that from, all she said was that she lives to protect her friends, not that shes gonna kill herself. i also didnt c her threaten cody in any way.
u say it was rude for her to tell cody that he lost me, but earlier on in ur comment u said the same thing. id just like to point that out >_>
also, i dont think marie was immature in the way she responded to this, i do however think cody was extremly immature so i will agree with u on that at least.
annnnnd, marie never said that she was gonna fight cody, only cody said something about fighting.
anyway, the bottom line is i dont see any fault with wat marie wrote. she seems much more mature than u think she is.
it seems u got every thing backwards, you might want to re-read the entry.
yea.... i think thats all =D

Community Member

Thu May 08, 2008 @ 10:44pm

... ((duly said Sir Willifred......
one misconception.....marie stole sarah cell phone...not me....i would never do that in my life....i never steal electronics....y'know....maybe a pen....or a pencil....or paper.....i could go on.....but im not....

anyways......i want a war between me and marie....too bad i blocked her and she cant send a thing to me XD hehhehhehhehhehhehheh......

too bad marie.... crying i feel for you.....and marie.....we arent friends anymore.....lets just say....sworn rivals....(i know....a little dramatic....but ohh well....)

umm....lets see.....i have had it worse than you guys in the alone-ness depot......ADHD and clinical deprssion dont go well with each other....ohh yeah....and OCD.....i have that too...

what else to say....THATS RIGHT!?! i will NEVER EVER GIVE UP SARAH IN MY LIFE!!!! she is that dear to me....for example...marie...you said that she doesnt even wanna talk to me....idc.......idc if she wants to kill me, never wants to see me again in her life, never wants to be friends ever again!...idc....im NOT going to deny a person for what they think of me...i would never hate her for what I DID! it was my fault, i know...and i should pay....that punishment will forever be burned into me...and i will not let go of such stupidity just because of some hard times i was going through....its not fair that i treat her like crap and she doesnt do anything about....now I will let her treat me like crap and i wont care....i will still acknowledge her existence, i will still talk to her, and i will still love her....because friends are family and you love your friends like they were family......you dont disrespect them and forget about them....you learn to forgive the people you love (your family) for the mistakes they made, or the mistakes you made.....

hrmm.....ill read up and see if there is anything else to say and expand on the subject....))

Silbr Angekl
Community Member

Thu May 08, 2008 @ 11:10pm

actually no i read alot of threats in there. and ok didnt no on the cell phone. i no u didnt suggest it but the driven to a suicidal point was wat got me to say that. i no i told him but thats besides the point. i needed to say it to set a point. and i think you miss the immaturity of it because of your friendship with her. i no u to have a rlly strong bond and all but seriously both of them are being immature. threats, and idiocy on the values of ones life is immature no matter how bad it is. its immature to use ones own life problems as a example. we all do it sometimes but it is immature. both of them are no offense. they are but u know *hugs* for everyone you all need it. and cody i had ADHD to its not that bad but maybe with depression it could be... eh your fine your a happy kid and you know it. now both of you get over it! and idc who said wat about fighting ill still KO them

Community Member

Thu May 08, 2008 @ 11:24pm

ok....now that is what makes me actually pissed off.....

yes...i am talking due to sarah's comment......

ok....sarah....why do you think im so f'n immature....this is the part that makes me so pissed off at you....idc care what you say.... i am smart....what you say from now on wont affect me....enough is enough....im opening my eyes to see this crap!?! it makes me want to close my eyes again and be a kid in the corner, afraid of what will happen to him....because of the fact that we think we are invincible...WE ARE NOT! i always thought that nothing could hurt me...nothing would hurt me...ever....now i see that strength is the only way you can prevail...not only physically, but mentally...i know now that im not the brightest bulb in the 4-pack...but we all have an upside and downside.....you are smart at EVERYTHING!!....(warning: that was an actual compliment...i hope you take it as one...) i, however, am a genius at music....you arent....you were a quitter to the piano and music itself....i would rather make music than to have other people do it for me...will is smart at...well...psycology...and...well...using his mind and body in harmony and what-not... (he reads plato...idk what category that fits in, but its a very good one...) marie is good at...pissing me off...and...fighting...will is good at that too (no, im not leaving brother will out of this fight ) and im good at using medical knowledge to my advantage and fighting style (pressure points, breaker points, et cetera...) so....sorry sarah...ur not good enough to fight (j/k) i really dont know because i you do is fight verbally with me....

anyways....we all have our good point and bad points....


Community Member

Thu May 08, 2008 @ 11:58pm

alright listen up!

first off, what i said about sarah was truth (whether u want me to say that or not). i asked sarah and talked with her first before that statement so yeah. also i dont care if you continue your fantasy cody. i just happened to be the one to break the news to you.

will: u are seriously ticking me off. i said nothing, not even a hint, of suicide. cody was the only one that mentioned that. and yea i know thats bad. but i even said "i refuse to die." and i really dont give a care how damn immature i seem cause if u havent noticed im like that all the time at school. it doesnt freakin bother me. but one thing that really ticks me off is when people act all high and mighty like you are. and dont kick sarah out as well. she can join in if she wants, though i do recomend she not.
also on the fight thing, just dont read then. i love starting fights. thats just me. i do know how to fight quite well both verbally and physically and mentally (but i keep that to myself). anyway do me a favor and shut up. everyone has problems, we know. knowing your friends problems can help you get along with them and help them better.
oh and please dont give me any long lecture on how to take care of my friends. i know. that is the life i have choosen.

on another note. yes i did take sarahs cell phone and yes i did give it back in 5min. sorry people but i suffer from a bit of kleptomania (dont know it? look it up). so yeah ya'll will just have to hang with me on that.

cody: it was a freakin joke ok. yeah i know i make really harsh jokes but face it, some people do. just deal with it. yes i know your smart. u got one of those awards (and on a completely unrelated topic. they fixed my grade for the 3rd time so i got one too. yay!) sorry u are ticked at me for the thing i said about sarah but i expected that.
sorry you think your life sucks but again u need to realize it could be worse and some may have it worse than you. you dont know what they deal with so what right do u have to just say "mines worse. end of story." ?

misc. info not to be related to this petty fight but more so to help you see that you arent the only one with slight problems.
i happen to be lactose intolerant, hypoglasemic, and, we think, im ADD (or maybe even ADHD). my parents have been divorced since i was 3 and i have been switching houses every friday ever since. i do know how to be responsible, believe it or not, because i must care for my mother every week im there.

no im not saying my lifes worse. im just saying this is my life. sometimes the best way to settle things is to see things from anothers point of view.

oh, and though i may like to start fights, i often try to settle them as well. my friends get mad at me often but i always try my best to fix things with them. and what do you know? they are still my friends so i must be doing alright.

oh and finally cody, its fine that you dont want to be friends anymore. i've lost alot of friends in my life. anyway, i pray you change to realize the world around. u can help people more when you figure out that the whole world doesnt revolve around u. trust me on that. im finally figureing it out too.

sorry if any of that sounded really selfish or anything. im trying to fight my anger and think calmly.

oh and sarah thanks for sticking up for me even though i didnt ask you too. you really dont have to do that. but thanks anyway.

Community Member

Fri May 09, 2008 @ 01:26am

ok...here are numbers!
1) im sorry for that second fight over that journal entry sarah, BECAUSE my mom told me to make an angry letter and throw it away...(smart thing to do) but i FORGOT to set it on private and we ended up getting in WW 3 and...yeah...it was never supposed to happen (our little break-up episode) and me not liking marie, and ...yeah....that one little mistake caused two months worth of just plain CRAP!!

2) marie...i love to help people....(if u research my name, it even means helper....) and i like to make-up fights and i like to start them....sometimes i know when to...sometimes im like ares and do it out of a spontaneous thought! also....i dont hate you...we can be friends....i just dont like the way you joke around....thats all...

3) will...you are a brother to me, thanks for sticking up for me (somewhat...) and for putting up with ALL THREE of our behaviours over the past several months....i owe you, like, 10....

Community Member

Fri May 09, 2008 @ 01:41am

good thing thats over. anyway yeah i know i joke way too harshly. i've always done that and its a part of how i start fights. sooo its hard to change but i try... sometimes.

anyway *thumbs up* its all good.

of course im not giving much credit of help to will though. buttface. lol too bad maybe if u view things right next time and consider what your little philosophies before just spitting them out i would. good luck next time though. haha! xp

...now that i think about it, that might make me a bit of a hypacrite... oh well! embrace the hypacritecy!! (dont u love my made up words! xd )

Silbr Angekl
Community Member

Fri May 09, 2008 @ 02:54am

well thank you for the compliments cody. u are good at making music and stick with that dude itll carry you. and plato is a philosopher lol so that would fall under crap very few ppl have the patience to read or can actually understand XD and marie that is rather rude. i try to help by viewing things from a point that is realistic. my views r valid thank you. and ill always be here for friends cody. even though i piss you off XD hey wat r friends for right? lol im here but im realistic. i mean heck i tell cara wen shes wrong and i scold her wen she does something bad and i love her to death but just because she means so much to me doesnt mean i wont do wats right.

Community Member

Fri May 09, 2008 @ 02:58am

i never said i wasnt rude...
havent we figured this out already?

Silbr Angekl
Community Member

Fri May 09, 2008 @ 03:01am

oh and because i dont wana edit my last comment. i dont act high and mighty. i no alot pft doesnt mean nothing. all i try to do is help. just because i can see something obvious and would like to point it out so as to help somebody doesnt mean i am high and mighty. i dont look at my self as anything special and i dont act that way. i just try to help. and maybe you should look past the words and into the meanings and motives of the person saying the words. for there is no meaning to anything unless you see the meaning in the person. i could say anything and itd have no meaning unless i meant it.

Community Member

Fri May 09, 2008 @ 03:25am

u guys r driving me INSANE just stop commenting, right now
nothing after this, none
this fight is over
marie and cody r eniemies now, thats wat came out of this,
ok its done
no more
alright? dont comment back with an ok
just everyone shut up stressed

Community Member

Fri May 09, 2008 @ 03:55am

sorry sarah im ignoring u.

yes you do u idiot! do u even pay attention to what u say? or better yet the way that "meaning" could be taken?! you may not realize it but by the way u say things it just places you above everythin else, like it could never happen to you. its really annoying!
and yeah. believe it or not i aint extremely stupid either. i know things have meanings. most words do, duh! heck i even use hidden meanings in most everything i freakin say!
sorry dude but this second attempt to seem better has failed again. so xp

now im ticked

Community Member

Fri May 09, 2008 @ 04:01am

u ignored me? and broke my rule, rule breaker xd
ok ok
after this, NO MORE COMMENTS
not even from u will, this fight needs to end
everyone just cut ur losses, accpet wat ppl dont like about u
perhaps give some thought to them being true
or decide to not even care wat they think
i dont care! just stop fighting
stressed grr

Community Member

Fri May 09, 2008 @ 10:02pm

ok.....last comment (sorry sarah....i am the worst offender to your rules and me breaking them...) but i swear that this is the last comment...

ok....i agree with sarah (i know...weird, right?) you two need to stop fighting about being smart! you two need to find a "happy medium" in the philosophical department and stick with it, or just agree to disagree....because it used to be me and marie and sarah and will were the sidelined people, but now its will and marie and sarah and i are on the side lines.

the "my way is the better way" needs to stop. right now. its getting out of hand.

will thank you for sticking up for me and all...and marie....thanks for putting up a good debate with me...and sarah needs to be thanked for helping marie....we all need to give ourselves a big pat on the back and just drop it!

we need to act like we're friends again, or we're never gonna progress to what could be a "good friendship" even though sarah cut ties with me....there is a sliver of hope for me to save a two-year friendship that i lost about 99.99% of.....or i just lost all of it and there is only a line of friendship that will go like this forever....


and thats all it will be.....god...i feel like im being cut out of a group just like a gallbladder out of a 66 year old woman....WE DONT NEED THEM, SO WHY USE THEM??

i feel like that gallbladder.....none of you need me....i dont even have to be friends with you to have you go on and live your lives in peace....nobody really needs me...im like....the friend nobody likes from dane cook's retaliation:need....yeah....im like Karen the douche bag....im not needed for you to be happier....i just end up making most of your lives more miserable (will...you're not in this....you need me to make you happier and such....the jokes....not HAPPY happy....no....thats just wrong.....)

so yeah.....if you want....ill just leave everyone alone and not do anything to "enhance" your lives, or make them better or anything....

so if you want me cut out of the "group" then just say so....and you could just pretend i died or something and not even care about me anymore (note: im not sad about saying any of this....i mean it...if you want me out, then just say so and i will leave you alone for good....)

Community Member

Fri May 09, 2008 @ 10:36pm

ok for the first part, you really dont need to be talking. and i wont listen anyway so xp . i can stay ticked as long as i want! though that probably isnt good but its still fun.

second, that whole friend thing made no sense what-so-ever. espicially the arrows thing.

and finally, sure keep being depressed and a 'galbladder' if u want. i see you will take it out on everyone else anyway soo bleh.
and if u want to actually help your friends then try. and sometimes u just have to deal with being the one that will most likely get kicked out.

Community Member

Sat May 10, 2008 @ 12:08am

all i was trying to do was be a good friend to everyone and treat everyone the same and i get this?!

hmphh....i should've kept my mouth shut and not say another word......i was also trying to be your friend marie.....but ohh well.....you threw that in a trash bin and burned it....the arrow thing was showing who was friends with who....and i broke the "loop" with sarah....and it freakin sucks.

end of story....we can now just go on with our lives because this is too much for me.....im out for good. this is just unbelievable how ignorant mankind is toward peoples lives and how we preserve the bond of friendships because now, to have a friend means nothing to anyone anymore....there's no love.....no affection....no living....marie....for all i care, a vegetable could be your best friend....it still wouldnt be the same as a warm soul that is inside flesh and blood....that's one thing you can't lose....is a person....


im outta this one-sided crap that happens to be called life. its stops here. expect this to be the last words you will ever hear from Cody Fauth.

Community Member

Sat May 10, 2008 @ 12:28am

tsk tsk tsk. why does everyone keep giving me this speech? i know how to treat my friends. i know how to keep them. and i know how much they mean to me. you dont have to tell me this. friends mean somethin. they mean alot. i know.

as for u. u have been ticking me off for quite some time. your stupidity apparently knows no end. and u still think that this is your story. that really gets me annoyed. good job trying to fix things but you change your mind too fast.

and on another note, yes i do have vegetable friends. carrots... and potatoes... but i ate them. yummy. xd

sure. hate me if u want. go back to your depressing little coner and continue thinking u can write life the way you want to. keep getting ticked at every living soul. i hope you are happy that way. in the mean time, i pray you see the light of truth. maybe then you will be able to keep the friends you think mean nothing now. no that doesnt have to mean me, im just saying. i hope you realize how pethetic this is.

throw the story away. quit trying to be the main character. and wake up. learn to handle things and learn how to treat others well.
i pray this: that you learn. hopefully, by that, you wont loose more friends as time goes on.

Community Member

Sat May 10, 2008 @ 12:41am

oh and as i recall, im still friends with sarah.
u really shouldnt talk much about that ignorant mankind thing cause you're just digging your own grave with that. you seem to be a pretty bad offender of that. oh and im not the only one that thinks that, just so u know.

"and he goes on about how ignorant mankind is to friendship, but hes probably the worst offender out there"

Community Member

Sat May 10, 2008 @ 12:51am

ok i'll comment- ill admit i havent read the whole thing cuz its so freaking long gosh u ppl can jabber on about crap that can be resolved so easily. I am ignoring wills posts cuz the seem kinda ehhhhh i cant say he'll have me wacked anyway- Loli please loosen up on the drama u must understand half the things out of marie's mouth are jokes and shouldnt be taken so seriously and taking things is just playing around she'll give it back eventually i dont think it bugs suki any. marie u have to understand loli boy is dramatic, sensitive, and craves attention. You both have to accept the others thoughts- dont have to agree- but know its how they think if loli dramatizes marie just tell em it wasnt ment seriously or to mean any harm just joking around. Loli u have to accept that your personality clashes with others at times. I mean i luv my friends( i dont usually say this word it means i accept other humans existance>< wink and it hurts me when they all fight and no one can stand to be with each other. whatever happens i probably wont take sides and i wont lose u as friends. Loli even if u stop being friends with suki and marie i'll still be ur friend. and Marie- MY AWESOME CLAN OF NINJAS WILL TOO DEFEAT UR AWESOMENESS-with only their pinky toes and a can of tuna.

Community Member

Sat May 10, 2008 @ 01:20am

yeah neko i know how to end this really easily. but i wont. wanna know y?

1. im stubborn and i love the thrill of fights (that isnt a big factor in this decision though)
2. he is seriously ticking me off with this "me, me, me" crap

and the big one!

3. he needs to learn to change his way of thinking. one way or another. and unfortunatly, some people just get it through their head better during a fight. when its smashed through their skull and finally hits the little switch that makes what im saying make sense. its all about triggering that click.

and sure this may not be the best way to handle this but too bad. its the only way i know and seems like the only thing that'll work now!

Community Member

Sat May 10, 2008 @ 02:30am

geez, u guys r terrible at following rules xd

Community Member

Sat May 10, 2008 @ 02:39am

rebels tend to break rules easily, sarah

Community Member

Sat May 10, 2008 @ 03:02am

i was too lazy to read the rules>w< and yes fights are fun!!! but i rather have play fights>>or fights with ppl i despise and dont no well

Community Member

Sat May 10, 2008 @ 04:01am

ok i JUST now finished reading everything>< so long! anyway i have to make an arrow thingy of friendship now!

neko-->loli(one sided arrows are for those i dont no much about and wont let u not b my friend anyway deal with it ppl ur my friend whether u want to b or not!~nya)
neko--> wakadoodle marie
neko<--> suki
neko-->will(even tho we are enemies)
neko--> ookami
neko<--> neko YAYYYYY FRIENDSHIPPPP!*does a dance

Community Member

Sat May 10, 2008 @ 04:09am

lol good for u neko
but that arrow thing still confuses me

Blade Sonozaki
Community Member

Sun May 18, 2008 @ 04:40am


Community Member

Sun May 18, 2008 @ 05:09am

that was a fun fight!

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