You hide regret and anger from the world. You regret many of your actions and you are angry with yourself and the world for being so petty and cruel. You have been hurt, but you cast off the pain like the blood from the blade of your sword. You fight for yourself, though truly your intentions are to make the world a better place so people no longer get hurt or killed. You do not know how to control your emotions or how to express yourself properly. You are often alone, considered an outcast, for people are scared to be near you. They stay away from you and point and whisper, which only fuels your anger and regret. You continue to fight for inner peace, though your fighting only causes you more pain. You are the Masochist. Your element: Fire The color of your aura: Red Your wants/likes: Peace - inner and outer, and being alone so you can't hurt anyone. Your needs: Love and compassion, empathy. Strengths: You can easily ignore any pain inflicted upon you. You always get back up once you fall down. You are determined. Weaknesses: You cannot control your emotions, and you are often violent, which pushes away what you need the most. Deepest fear: Being the last person on Earth. Your Bleach song: Nothing Can Be Explained - Mike Wyzgowski
fiery teen demon · Mon May 19, 2008 @ 04:04pm · 1 Comments |