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The Chaos Has You I don't know what the hell type of randome s**t is going to be in this damn thing but mabe i should put a perental advisory on it

Chaos Twig
Community Member
Alright incase i forgot to mention this in an earlyer entry. I have no more massive problems that are tearing me apart. least not for the moment, then again I don't know as though i ever said i had many... don't remember what i wrote in here anymore. Well when i say problems i mean love life problems, yea scarry thought isn't it? twiggy haveing a love life i mean come on! lol no anyways I am currently with the girl of my dreams. the one I fell in love with but couldn't have for so long. But yea I finally am with her and so happy. Actually i have been with her for two months as of next monday the second. Still don't know what i am going to do for her that day but hey i'll think of something spiffy. Anyways yea I am actually pretty happy with life right now. school is almost out, ive been playing alot of airsoft and have a new gun comeing in, i have a car that runs *knock on wood*, im in a happy relationship, and im active with my friends, most of whom i haven't pissed off yet (there are about three exceptions)