The girl was all alone, and when someboby, expecially a little kid, is left to rot like that, well...take a guess on how that would effect the person. Thats right, real shitty. Her name was Sophia, and she had hair the color of fresh autumn leaves ( in case you don't know, thats like an orangish red), her eyes were the greenest of green, and some people even said that they were so peircingly bright that they could look right into your soul, kinda like headlights on a car illuminating objects hidden in the shadows.
Now, Sophia's story isn't a very happy one, so I warn you now, just like Lemoney Sniket does for his readers, if you're looking for a HAPPY, SWEET, SAPY story, well then you should go read a fairy tale book or something. It all began one sunny afternoon, Sophia was hanging out with her gang, (yes she's a hardcore delicuant) she was trying to enjoy the only moment she had to relaxe.
" Well, this ******** sucks." The girl next to Sophia said, toying with the cigerette in her hand. " We went to all this trouble to find those stupid punks who ambushed us yesterday, and what happens, they wimp out on us and run like little kids." Takes a puff of her cigerette.
Sophia nodded. " Yeah, no kidding, this does suck." Sighs and sits back agaist an old rusty metal chain link fence. " Lets just forget the whole thing and do something else."
"Do something else, huh?" The leader of the gang repeated snickering* " Do WHAT, Sophia? Or have you forgotten we don't have anything to do, since we're all outcasts and all?" She was the leaderall right, she even looked the part. She wore a long black overcoat with rips and tears all in it, her eyes were also the scariest blue eyes you've ever seen. Hot like fire, was her gaze. Makes you wanna shiver in her presence huh?
"Sorry, guess it slipped my mind." Sophia said to the leader. " What do you think we should do about those punks Mishka?"
Their leader smiled wickedly. " Have you girls heard of this new deliquent around town? They say his name is Aayame, and he kicks butt really hard."
The other girls looked at Mishka interested. " Oh, a good fighter huh? Mayber we could fight him?" One said laughing wickedly. They do that quite often by the way.
"Not excatly what I had in mind." Mishka grinned, and stood next to Sophia. " I thought we should offer him a chance into our ranks."
" Heh, our first guy in the gang. You really like spunky guys don't ya Mishka?" Sophia said with a grin.
Smiling down at her, Mishka nodded." If he aint hot and hardcore, then he aint good enough for me."
...OK thats all I got now....Aayame isn't all that HE seems to be by the way..heheh it gets good believe me! twisted mrgreen
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