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View User's Journal

I'm guessing that I chose to "type" in this journal because i'm bored?
Or maybe I did It for Money?


You know its quite ironic because What happened on the last day was probably the day i was supposed to commit suicide you know? I knew everyone would be happy well...anyway. I didn't. I thought to myself during class that If I can't stand saying ouch on one small impact how would I wouldn't scream stabbing myself in the lower stomach area? Yeah..It was quite one chaotic day. I knew most of my friends would ditch me but you know the saying...

Don't ever regret the things you do.

I almost brought a pocket knife on that day and my mind was tempting me to kill someone. Luckily I didn't I don't wanna go to JUVY like Bane. He went there like 4 times and he says it wasn't fun at first. But once you get used to it its actually FUN? How does he say that? Dude He's in sixth grade because HE FLUNKED. He's supposed to be in ninth grade. I can see why He went to Juvy 4 times.

But what I don't understand are the heartless attacking other heartless. I mean come on? Most of us "heartless" people don't cry. But I shed a tear?

You wanna know why?

Because I was actually happy that someone tried sticking up for someone else so they end up scolding me. And those were actually enraged tears to. Because What I influenced my sister to do backflied on me.

Quite ironic...