I've been noticing alot of fights lately, mainly religious ones. Christians fighting other christian religions. Christains fighting other religions fighting other religions, and i gotta say those fights are about the tru religion.I mean come on, who cares if they don't worship the same way u do? get a grip people. let's see, what else? Oh yeah, as far as I know, 2 more: Christians fighting gays, and christians fighting abortion. wow. seems to me that ur doing more hating than loving christians. What's up with that? You and alot of other people are making so hard on these people.Homosexuals should have thier right to marry and other things you might've taken from them. They ARE people too. it's not like they're felons or illegals or any thing. And the banning abortion? I mean come on. LET WOMEN CHOSE WHETHER OR NOT THEY WANT THEIR UNBORN BABY OUT OF THEIR STOMACHES BEFOR IT'S BORN. IN SOME CASES IT MIGHT ACTUALLY SAVE THIER LIFE, OR MAYBE JUST NOT READY.Okay, ur daughter, wife or sister or somthing gets pregnant, and they arn't ready and they can't put it up for adoption and they can't take care of it for another reason. Or the pregnancy will kill them for some reason. Then won't it be great to have that option. ...If u do this to people who should have their own right to chose, people, I'm gonna find a way to take away YOUR rights, so you know how it feels, any right you like i'll find a way to take it away. I mean, it's only fair.I'll become president someday just for that reson if that's all it takes to get u hating idiots to see what a WONDERFUL world ur making this, i'll find a way. u make me fell so angry people. burning_eyes find something else to do. i don't wanna talk to u right now. talk2hand
badwolf64 · Thu Jul 17, 2008 @ 02:33pm · 0 Comments |