this a legend that had been told around camp fires and bedtime stories to the young...
A tale that everyone in the world would not forget easily.
it happen 20 years ago, in the heart of Birmingham, Aston...
our hero, the person who began this legend, is sleeping, he had been dreaming about himself begin a hero and saving he world, when his mom woke him up.
this time, he was pull off the bed with such force that he woke, moaning...
'Do you know what time it is?' the mother asked..
'Er, about 7:00 am in the morning? ' Lee said
'yep, but your bus will be here in about 30 minutes, you are always late-
whilst she was talking, lee was dressed in his signature black hoodie, white shirt, blue jeans and black shoes.
-oh, you dressed? go get yourself breakfast' said the mother
30 minutes later.....
The bus came and lee said bye to his parents, got on the bus, and waited for 10 minutes for his bus stop.
Suddenly, three people appeared, wearing chav clothes and white hats.
'Well, well if it isn't Lee, looking forward to having beat up again or another year?
Lee just sat there, blanking them out, one of them got annoy and chuck him across the bus. they were about to kick him when two people appeared out of nowhere.
'Oi, leave him alone, or we'll make lunch outta your brains!!!'
the other ran off, smirking..
The two people who helped Lee out was Nick and Aaron: both of them was wearing rock clothes from last years rock show. Nick helped Lee up.
'Thanks Nick, you too Aaron.' Said Lee
'I hope they don't mess with you, after what we just did to them' said Aaron.
10 minutes later, in college.
'Alright, now i have some bad news' said a tutor. 'Your tutor, Jim Flint, can't be here due to a flu, so i'm here to teach you about a rare religion that has been passed down from Birmingham for ages, now who knows the Psychics?' the tutor asked.
Nick raised his hand 'the Psychics were a race capable of seeing the future, they also give special people powers, but there a cost. you must do what they tell you, otherwise a demon takes over for a while.'
Meanwhile... in the temple of the Psychics three people were praying, when a fourth person appeared..
we have found a new Apprentice, the one who shall change the world forever.
A chess board appeared, showing about 100 pieces, 50 black, 50 white.
The person moved a piece to a black dot.
'That means we will be at war soon, let us send a dark demon the this person' said a person in red. And they been speaking about the plan.
Back at college.....
'So, i want to all to write and assignment, showing what you know about them, you've got 5 weeks.. class over'
Everyone wait outside to get some lunch. Lee was on his own and was running.
The three people ran after Lee, Lee ran away from them until he came across someone in black. they both looked at each other, then the man in black disappeared. But Lee felt different..
Just then the three people caught Lee and beaten him up, but Lee was laughing at them. he even got the boot and he was still laughing...
one of them was called Sam, the other ones were Mark and Nathan.
'we gonna beat you up until you die, we gonna tell you girlfriend that you were a coward and I BET SHE'LL LOVE ME BETTER!!!!!
They all laughed at him, but a dark aura surrounded Lee, his rage was building, the one called Sam grabbed a sharp object and threw it at Lee's heart..
However, Lee grabbed the object, crushed it until it was a powder and kicked Sam in the stomach, then threw him across the field, the others were shocked and ran away from Lee.
After a while, Lee was his normal self, he saw the powder he made, at first, he was so scared he went home, thinking the others might tell the police or worse.
but for Lee, a new opportunity has opened up, after been beaten up for the pass 2 years, his Girlfriend thinks he's a failure, and he has had to work for money, but his dream of being a Hero might happened.
He walked home. smiling...
But the truth was that this entity was different, this was not the one Lee was going to get.. The Psychics will not know this for a long time.
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