I'm sick.
And it's to the point where I am:
Crying because I just feel really really fcked.
It's my sinuses.
I don't like this.
I have a really bad headache, my nose is stuffed and ewwie and my throat is dry.
I barely have a voice.
I don't like this at all.
And yes, I cried because of it.
I'm not use to being sick, thank you very much.
Well, the sickest I've ever been was vomitting, but that was when I was little, so the feeling is gone.
The most sick I've been since then was just a minor cold and such.
Well, I did have a fever, but I've never felt like..this bad.
I don't like this. I really don't.
Anyways, I'm sitting...more like laying...here on my laptop.
I went through 2 boxes of tissue. And now I'm out.
So I'm currently using toilet paper, because we have a crapload.
I'm listening to music, and I was about to sing.
But then my throat stung real bad so I shut up.

I can't speak...very much.
This stupid sickness has made me highly iratabel.
I snapped and Suzu-niichan, even though he was just concerned...
I probably scared the crap out of Miyabi-niichan. Suzu was the only one who bothered staying in my room with me.
I just want someone to hold me.
That's all...I just want this one person to hug me
and not let go.
Until I get better.
I've drank Green Tea, AND 3 cups of White Tea
and I...didn't feel the slightest better
until I took medicine.
God I hate this.