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my life ^^
i plan to write what is happing and My life ^^ and i also plan to write berif short stories*.nods.
short story #1
1 day a litle girl by the name of alcie fell down a rabbit hole and made it out.
later on 1 night her cat nocked down a candle and her whole house bruned down she made it out but her parents didnt make it out...... crying so then she went insane poor sweet sweet alice 10 years she was in the insane alsum.she went back to wonderland but only this time it was for revenge.everybody from wonderland was deformed and insane as well.wonder it self was drak and drwey not green. as her friends became alice now has to kill the red queen for making it like this. will alice ever make it out alive or will she die trying to save what she has lost all this time ago. THE END!

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