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The Book of Chaos: ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK!
I love to write about ANYTHING! RP 's I may have made, things going on that I want to talk about...just a bunch of wonderful randomness! ^^- Oh, and a whole lot of Hiei stuff too! :heart:
HOTTNESS!!!! o.o!! (you'll see at the end of the entry)
Sophia lay in her bed, looking up and the ceiling. She had never felt this down before, not even when her family left her. This was a diffrent kind of "down" feeling. It felt, well, it felt like something was jabbed inside her chest and she couldn't get it out. A huge pain was stuck in her body, and it was getting more and more painful with each passing minute. The longer she stayed quiet and lied in her bed, the more painful it got. Lonliness, man, sometimes it can be nice. Like when you're sitting by yourself under a tree reading a good book. Other times though, if you're all alone and bored outta your god for saken mind, well, then thats diffrent.
She grunted and finally got up from her bed, and slowly walked to her closet, and opened up the doors. Inside the closet, if you fist looked at it you would go, " EIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!". Why? Well, because inside her closet, Sophia had rat traps, loaded or unloaded never know until you look...and she even had bloody rusting swords. She pushed the swords aside and and grabbed a long white coak, and pair of black boots. Then as she undress herself, she grabbed a pair of white pants with rips in them, along with a greyish tank top. " Hmph." Lacing up her boots, she got a sudde feeling. A feeling she normally got when their was something bad about to happen. Closing her eyes for a moment, she took a deep breath and finished lacing up her boots. " It's nothing..last time was nothing...."
She went for the door when all of a sudden, her phone next to her bed rang. " Who the-" Sauntering over to her night stand, she picks up the phone. " Moshi moshi?"

" IT'S ME! MISHKA!! " Her friend's voice rang in her ear. " Mishka, what is it?" Getting a little worried by the exited tone in Mishka's voice. " I'll tell you when you get over here. Listen, we're all at the High school around you're place. Get here as soon as you can!" The line went dead, and at that moment, Sophia smiled.
'Well, this outta be interesting." She ran out of the house and headed for the school.

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Madame Javert
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Sep 04, 2005 @ 09:17pm
*rolls eyes at picture* *shakes head*...Rickie, Rickie, Rickie........He looks like he's starving to death! You need to feed him something! xd

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