In the beginning, in the end, even in the between time, there was nothing, there will be nothing, but there is something.
There was no existence, there will be no existence, but there is existence.
Nobody existed when existence did not exist.
Nobody will exist when existence will not exist.
But somebody exists when existence when existence exists.
In all this, there was no god, there will be no god, and there is no god.
What do you seek?
What is your purpose?
Why are you here?
This is the truth.
This existence is an improbable accident.
All the improbabilities of the universe accumulated into one place which equals the sum value of your existence.
What do you seek then?
Because you have no easily identifiable purpose or meaning for your existence, you seek many ways to drown yourself in your seemingly meaningleass existence.
One way you do this is by worshiping a higher power.
But what do you worship?
Here is the answer.
You worship yourself in the most innocent and naive of ways.
Everything you do not have, everything you cannot aquire, you deify it.
It becomes your personal god.
You worship this knowledge and call it god.
You do this in hopes of gaining favor and in turn knowledge and ultimately wisdom.
Therefore, if you are weak, your god is strong.
If you are ill, your god is in perfect health.
If you are poor, your god is rich.
If you cannot fight, your god will fight for you.
If you are one of the many worshiping an similar unrevealed wealth of knowledge with similar practices, you are part of an organized religion.
If you are one of a few worshiping a similar unrevealed wealth of knowledge with similar practices but are focusing on a human to relay this wealth of knowledge to you, then you are part of a cult.
If you are able to see through the many shortcomings and facades of religions and cults, you will see a fundamental truth.
In every religion and in every cult, there is something that is worshipped.
Whether it is a god, many gods, the absence of a god, the absence of gods, or a god that does or does not reside in a human, you will see the need of corrupted beings to convert other beings to their easily alterable wills.
You will see their need of acknowledgement from people who otherwise will not be acknowledged by the many.
For if they have not the intellectual mind, if they have not the strong body, if they have not the powerful charisma needed to succeed in this world, then they will search for a way to control and object or idea that mystifies the masses.
Or they will try to erdicate and eliminate the object or idea in a vain attempt to live their lives with their five senses only.
In every case, the object or idea that are used to mystify the masses are deemed gods by their controllers.
Some people will try to control these objects and ideas, others will try to eliminate them from existence.
However, neither of these kinds of people will understand that if they continue mystifying or eradicating these objects, they will soon destroy themselves as their mystical objects and ideas that they are trying to control or destroy are out of their grasp.
For if one tries to control the absence of knowledge, then he is killing himself trying to control something that does not exist.
And if one tries to destroy the absence of knowledge, then he will not have the ability to cure himself by gaining knowledge.
He will remain unknowing forever in his quest to live by his false standard...
Authors Note: I was in a bad mood when I wrote this. It is not finished but it got me an 'A' in Anthropology of Religion... It is mine. To my knowledge, it is original.
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