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The Book of Chaos: ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK!
I love to write about ANYTHING! RP 's I may have made, things going on that I want to talk about...just a bunch of wonderful randomness! ^^- Oh, and a whole lot of Hiei stuff too! :heart:
Sophia ran down the street as if she were posessed. Each step seemed to become more and more lighter, as if she were lifting off the ground and about to fly.
" Well, (huff) I hope, I get there in time to see what's going down." She passes some school kids, who had to jump out of her way as she bazed down the street in a fury. " EPPPP!!!" A girl with a blue ribbon in her hair yelped as she dodged Sophia's rampage. "Sheesh, " taking a deep breath the girl raced back to her friends, who were also freaking out.
" GOOD GOD!" A very trim woman in a white uniform, gasped as she saw her new patient. She's the nurse, no DUUUUH. She looked at the young girl and nearly fainted. " oh my-" Aayame, who was next to Hiei, spoke before the nurse could faint off. " Please, the girl can be saved, it just needs to be quick, like RIGHT NOW." He pushed aside the nurse and with on single swift motion he leaned over and kissed her.
Of course, we can determine, that Hiei is about to have a seizure. Or, well, you know what I mean!
" HEY!" Hiei shouted indigantly. " GET OFF OF MY-" Katie waltzed over to Hiei and whacked him on the head. "shut up!" Her eyes flashin with anger. "Get over yourself, if this guy says he can help than, well..HE BETTER. " Her eyes flickered darkly as she turned them over to Aayame, who by the way still was in the lip lock.
What no one could see, was as Aayame's lips were on Sakura's cold lifeless ones, a strange force was flowing from him to her. A strange dark shadow was coming from Aayame's lips to Sakura's body, and this shadow flew threw her and entered into her soul, mixing itself with hers.

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Madame Javert
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Sep 04, 2005 @ 11:53pm
OoOoOoOoOoOoOOoOoOo.......that's weird!

Ok, I'm glad you didn't get to Javert yet! 'Cuz I had a good idea! Well...I like it anyway. 4laugh Ok, here it is:

Javert get's to the school, but nobody is there, everyone had left. And so he thinks that he is too late, that the gang had taken us away. So he doesn't know what to do, he just kinda breaks down right there and sits with his head in his hands, worrying, trying to figure out what to do and where he should go next. Then, I would have to leave the hospital to go get everyone's things that were left outside at the school (because....I always have to get/hold things xd ). It will be night time by then *coughstarscough* and Javert will still be sitting there, broken down. I'll see him and can guess what happens next! There's a "moment". heart 4laugh

But.... ninja .....That's just my idea, I know you were having trouble thinking of stuff. mrgreen

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