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The Chaos Has You I don't know what the hell type of randome s**t is going to be in this damn thing but mabe i should put a perental advisory on it

Chaos Twig
Community Member
So the first thing I would like to start with is ******** CARS!!!!! Mine took a s**t on me, and this month makes a year of a lisence and in that time i have gotten in two crashes (bother really where not my fault (no really they where not)), I have had two batteries take a total s**t on me, Had an alternator die, transmission puke, had to fix a bumper from hitting a snowbank, had to fix the driveside front pannel from the door not being fuly latched, and now my clutch went out. I really hate my luck with cars. But yea this fix isn't that much for my padray to do but its a pain because it took a week and a half to even get it to him. And yea I had to go without a car and that sucks.

second my ******** computer had to pick the same time to get leaded down with s**t (I was stupid and didn't lock it one day, think my mom/her friend ******** it up)

third I am flat broke and have no money to pay for anything! I hate not haveing money, I mean holy s**t guys I don't even have a buck on me. Not even one it sucks but yea thats my b***h for now so till later