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View User's Journal

Yellow's Precious Thought-bin
Moah Storey agin.
Yup yup. I got positive feedback. So it's on with the show!

Walking down the corridors was nothing new to Adrian. She had walked the route to the dean's office many times before for similar episodes in most of her classes. At first she had been scared, not knowing what to expect when she arrived at the office. Now the emptiness of the halls made her feel safe, comfortable. She stopped in the middle of the wide hall, admiring the cold tile on the floor that alternated black and white in each row so that no two tiles touched, save at the corners. The dirt and gum that had been ground into the tile through the many years of tromping feet all but eager to get to their next class had lost it's color and now just looked dark grey or black.
Bringing her eyes up, Adrian saw the dim flourescent lights put about a foot and a half apart. Two in her sight were dead, and bugs decayed in the plastic screens. Spots in the cieling were begining to yellow with mold and age. A few pencils stuck out of the foam parts, adding a sort of artwork to the usually droll hallways.
In light of homecoming week, posters of all colors had been put up to remind people of dances, theme days, and special events coming up later in the year. Some sported glitter, trying desperately to draw the eye to the cardboard-like paper. Apparently, it was wacky day tomorrow. She was expected to wear outrageous clothing to show her school spirit. No underwear outside the clothes was allowed.
Maybe I'll go topless and show off my wings. Wonder if that's wacky enough? Adrian's laugh echoed chillingly in the emptiness. A brisk draft ran through the place, ruffling her hair slightly. She sniffed. There's rain coming, she thought, though even that thought seemed too loud for the place.
Her solitude was not long lived, however. Within moments, a member of school security rounded the corner. He was a tall, lanky man with long limbs but not much neck. He had a set brow and small ears, making his head seem squished in contrast to his body. He walked with a purpose, as if he knew what he was doing and meant to do it no matter what. He blinked when he saw Adrian in the halls.
"Ms. Morris. What did you do this time?"His name was Franklin, and he had a habit of addressing people by last names first. Franklin was practically the only friend Adrian had in the world.
"Hey Frank!" Franklin grimaced. He hated nicknames. "I stood up to Ms. Ashe again. She didn't seem to realize how badly her nail polish looked," Adrian's eyes sparkled with amusement. "I thought I'd let her know," she laughed a hearty laugh, a laugh very few people could initiate.
"You really shouldn't have done that, Ms. Morris. Now I'll have to escort you to the Dean's office again," He twitched his mouth, the closest thing he ever came to smiling. With his usual "intentive" limp, he headed down the hall to where Adrian stood waiting.
When he was within ten feet, Adrian suddenly broke into a run, flinging her arms around Franklin's neck and practically knocking them both to the ground. He croaked out a hoarse cry, putting his foot out to keep their balance. Holding onto Franklin's neck still, Adrian let her weight drop, forcing him to support her. Her golden eyes shone brightly in the light, despite the fact that they caught hardly any of it. Her laughter rang in the hallway more loudly than ever, causing more than one teacher to look out their door.
Gently, Franklin untangled Adrian's arms from behind his neck and set her firmly back on the ground. "Now," he began, putting on a stern face. "What did you do to get yourself sent out of class again?"
Sighing dramatically, Adrian shifted her feet and pretended to look abashed. "Honestly, Mr. Franklin sir, I didn't do anything wrong. I was just trying to catch up on my sleep when all of a sudden nasty ol' Ms. Ashe woke me up and began to stare at me. It made me uncomfortable, so I did the only thing I could think of doing that would make her stop. Is that such a bad thing?" She batted her eyelashes and stared up at Franklin through them. "Do you really have to take me to the big bad dean just because of that?"
"Very cute, Ms. Morris. But I suppose if you really are the victim here, I don't have to take any immediate action. Now the only question is what to do with you," His lips twitched again, and Adrian knew that tonight was going to be hell at home. "Come on. Let's go," Adrian shuffled her feet and trudged along behind Franklin, causing him to look back with an amused look to his eyes. He slowed to her pace, however, and it was a long time going before the ominous oak door towered before the pair of them. Adrian turned with a scowl. "This is gonna suck. Ten bucks says you'll be here after I'm put on trial, Frank," She smiled and made as if to pull out her wallet.
His mouth twitched yet again. "Security guards aren't technically allowed to take bribes, Ms. Morris," He bent his long frame so that his voice barely carried; just enough for her to hear. "I'll wait out here for free, and there'll be a blue slushie waiting with me." Adrian beamed at him. Despite his gruff nature, she and Franklin had become incredibly close in the two years that they had known each other. She had taken comfort in his friendship, and he genuinely seemed to enjoy her company. Especially considering the fact that most of the student body was either afraid of her or jealous or angry or...Adrian had stopped caring. The simple truth was that they all had a problem with her and nothing she did or said would make any difference so far as they were concerned.