well if any of u r reading this .. well did u have that moment that u think he were having fun and helping ALL these ppl then all of a sudden u felt like u didn't get anythin back but a smerky remark and being leftout? well right now i feel like that but just kicked out and betrayed.... i just got a comment that someone hates me for no reasons (but she likes my pandas on my pro ._.) i was talking to some friends in hollywood on gaia and someone just thought he got the best of me so i just left nd ppl just ganged up on me cuz i was just a small frog. so now i just feel crushed inside. emo . ppl now a days r so cruel to the world and me. i just want revenge bt i know thats wrong and go the right path and just talk it through... but when i do they would never give in or never listen and just go without knowing i'm trying to say srry. i've been trying to change stuff in my life but all the problems going on is just gtting worse and can never stop. i'm just wondering what would really happen if everyone cared for everyone around? ... (which will never happen with the problems in the future and past)... think about that question and comment me of what u think ... so long for now byez
TickleMeXoey · Tue Aug 26, 2008 @ 10:39am · 4 Comments |