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The Noah and the Exorcists (Chapter one)
Cat=pink Mizu=green Devi=dark blue Dero= royal blue Jasdebi=purple General Cross=red
One day Mizu and Cat were shopping in towns as Cat suddenly spots 2 boys, a blond haired boy and a black haired boy...

Hey Mizu!!!! *points at the boys*
What about them Cat??
w-who are they??
I dunno. Why don't you just ask them?? That reminds me, doesn't one of them live in your street and didn't you had a crush on him? *points at blond boy*
*starts blushing* I don't have a crush on him!!!
Why are you blushing then? *grins*
Am not!!! ... Okay okay, I have a crush on him...
Well let's go over to them!!! *grabs Cat and runs over to the boys*
Hiya I'm....*petrifies*

Whats with her??
I dunno *waves hand before Mizu* anyway my name's Cat. And this is...*looks over at the blond guy and petrified*
Teehee~ they both are a little weird.
Guess what's your name?? *pokes Mizu*
Well glad to meet you Mizu.I'm Debito, but just call me Devi
And I'm Jasdero teehee~ but call me Dero~
G-Glad to meet you Dero *becomes red as a cherry*
*stares at Devi and pokes Cat's cheek* Why is Cat turning red??
er...I-I-I, the sun!!! I got a sunburn!!!
And so has your friend I think.
Huh? =_=" Mizu...wake up!!!! *shakes her*
Nya Cat!! Don't shake me like that!!!
Don't doze of like that then!!!
So...what did you guys bought??
*both Mizu and Cat stares at them*
It's so odd that you guys said that at the same time!!
Nah...for us it's quite comon that it happens...Yea, cause Dero and Devi are twins!!!
What?! Are you guys kidding?!
Why should we?
Besides me and Devi are also N... *Devi covered Dero's mouth and whispers*
You can't tell them that!!!

Why not Devi??
They could be exorcists!!!
Um guys??
What are you 2 doing??
Err...nothing!!! Teehee~
*whispers to Dero* Although they look cute they can be dangerous.
Mizu I totally forgot!! It's our first day of school!!!
Wha?! I forgot 2!!!!
Do you guys wanne come with us??

Maybe, what's your school's name??
Err...Timcanpy High.
Then Dero and Devi can't come teehee~
Ya we're in another school called Tease...
Never heard of it. Well we better get going now. Come on Cat!! *pulls Cat with her*
*Was drooling at Dero* U-huh...
*grins* Didn't I thought so...
You like him~ heart
No I don't!!! *becomes red* So you like Devi!!!
Err...look there's our school!!!
Those girls are going to be our death Jasdero..
That's not true Devi!!! Mizu and Cat-chan are too nice to kill Jasdebi teehee~
They are on an exorcist school...if they find out we're Noah...
At the Black Order school:
Welcome students!! I'm General Cross. And I see there are only 2 beautifull girls in this class. So girls come here, stand next to me and tell me your names.
Hello my name is Ayane Mizuki, but call me Mizu..if not you die today!! real name??
Yes, beautifull *lights a sigaret*
My name is...Kiara "Cat" Foxami.
That's a pretty name for you Kitty *smiles*
Yes, come sit on my lap and Mizu please take your seat.
Just do it!! *sits down on her chair*
okay..*sits on Cross' lap*
*grins* Now no need to be affraid of me. It's nice to finally have some girls in this school. Today I'm going to show you some pics of our greatest enemy. The akuma and the Noah family. *starts showing pics*
*suddenly stands up* But t-that is!!!
That can't be true!!!
What is it girls?
Are you sure that's the Noah family?!
Yes I am.
*bell rings*
Kitty I want to talk with you, now.
Me?? Okay, see you at the dorm Mizu *waves*
Okay laterz Cat!!!
What is it General Cross??
When I showed the class the pic of Jasdebi, you and your friend acted like yu saw them before.
No we just we're really suprised that they look like us. Well I'll be going to Mizu now.
*grabs her arm* Stay a little longer Kitty...
The first second i saw you walking in I thought, I never have seen such a pretty girl before...
*tilts head* What do you mean sir??
*pulls her closer* You're such a beautifull girl, Kitty.And just call me Cross
I don't think that's allowed!!!
Who cares for rules? Rules are there to be broken. *kisses Cat's cheek*
*turns red and stands there confused*
Speechless huh? I like my girls that way. *slightly kisses her lips*
*looks even more confused then before* I better meet up with Mizu *runs out of the class to the dorm*
Finally you're here!! And why do you looked shocked and red??
Mizu that teacher...
What about him??
How did everyone call him again??
The womaniser, I think. Why??
H-he kissed me!!!!
What?! Are you kidding?!
nu-huh!! Not about this!!! And Devi and Dero are..Noah.
Yea I figured that out..But why didn't they kill us then??
I dunno...
Meanwhile at the Tease boys dorm:
yes Dero
Does Devi likes Mizu??
Wha?? Why do you ask something that stupid??
Does Devi likes Cat??
That's good, 'cause Dero likes C...
...Dero, you can't fall in love with an exorcist
But Devi likes Mizu!!
...Maybe...but have you seen our next assignment?? We have to kill these 2 ppl..
But Devi, this names look really familir to Dero teehee~
Hm?? Let me see *takes the paper* Kiara Cat and Ayane Mizuki...
*looks shocked* Cat and Mizu?! Dero doesn't like that...
This is something I wasn't hoping on...
Dero can't kill Cat!! Dero likes Cat!!!
Back At The Girls Dorm:
*sigh* We have to kill a Lvl1 Akuma and try to avoid any Noah.
Can't we visit Jasdebi while we're hunting for an akuma?
Here says avoid any Noah...And they are Noah...
Aw come on!!! *pulls Mizu with her and goes to the school called Tease*
Looks kinda creepy...
Look there are Devi and Dero. Hi guys!!! *waves*
Dero...we can't talk with them..we have to kill them.
*Cat and Mizu coming to them*
Act normal, 'kay Dero?
Right teehee~
Kitty, Mizu get away from this place!!! *shoots at Jasdebi*
O no, we're busted!!! >.<
General Cross??
*points Judgement (gun) at Jasdebi* Leave these girls alone...Mizu go to school and warn the others!! *picks Cat up*
okay Sir!!! *runs to school*
Let Cat go!!!!
Cross...would you put me down? I wanne go to my friends...
Noah aren't you friends...They are your enemies...
Devi and Dero aren't my enemies!!! *gets out of his grip*
..Cat, he's right...We can't be friends...*starts to sing their lullaby and they fuse*
We are Jasdebi, the Noah of Bonds.

Does one of them like you, Kitty??
I dunno...maybe Dero..
Then I will break his heart.
But...Cr...*is kissed and eyes grow big*
*angerly watches* BAKA BAKA BAKA!!!!!!!!!!!! *attacks Cross with his hair*
*holds Cat in front of him* You won't hurt her, will you?? Or do you want that something happens to her? *points his gun at Cat's head*
Now beautifull don't speak to me like that...So be a good girl.
I'm not a dog...
*they unfuse*
Cat?? *wants to go over to her but gets stopped by his brother*
Dero..stay here...She can take care of herself
che, bakas *points gun at them*
*gets angry* LEMME GO!!! INNOCENCE ACTIVATE!!!!! *cat tail and paws grow* Demons Tail!!!! *hits cross and knocks him out*
W-wha? *runs over to jasdebi* Dero, away from this place...
Neither of you guys have to be hurt...
Will Dero ever see Cat again?
I'll go looking for you...and no matter how long it takes I'll never give up!
Promise Dero??
*kisses him on the lips* Promise!!!
*gets as red as a cherry*
*finally comes back* What happened to General Cross?! Is he dead?!
No he isn't Mizu, I just knocked him out...
*comes running by and kisses Mizu's cheek* come on Dero we have to go!!!
Right teehee~
*runs of*
*slowly stands up* ugh...Kiara, for knocking me out and letting 2 Noah escape, I expell you from th Black Order School!!!
Fine!!! I would leave anyway. Mizu I don't know what you're going to do but I'm gonna travel around the world.
I wish I could come but I have to finish school first...
Good, if you want to hang around in this weird school and that weird General...Maybe I'll come back to visit in a year or 2...
O-okay...this is goodbye then...*sniffles*
Don't be sad Mizu..
Just go!! I'm bad in saying goodbye...
*stares at her and angerly grumbles* How could I be knocked out by a Cat girl...
*starts walking away* Bye Mizu!!! *waves*
Cat wait!!!! Here a lucky's one I made myself..And if you ever see Devi again, tell him I love him.
I will do!! Bye Ayane Mizuki!!
Cat don't call me like that!!!!

To Be Continued...
Okay everyone that read this please give your honest opinion about it.Please comment it in my journal. No Pm about opinions!!

this story is written by me (D_Cat-Exorcist) and me only
My friend has rewritten the story, instead of rp style its a storyline style. Here's the link:

User Comments: [3]
Community Member

Sat Sep 20, 2008 @ 06:30pm

nice one but wy does she have to leave now couldnt of been that he dun rememeber yo knocking him out and you still stay in the schoool
too dramatic :3

Community Member

Sun Sep 21, 2008 @ 12:05am


Community Member

Sun Sep 21, 2008 @ 01:14pm

goe geschreven
: razz

User Comments: [3]