As i walked in the valley of the Vampiric World
Yin looks out the window and sees the sun coming over the mountains" I had better sleep now the sun will be up soon but remember what I said, tomorrow, I will be one with the day walkers but until then goodnight," Yin goes over to the coffin opens it and jumps in and closes the lid Sora trots over and lays next to it and falls asleep. "How interesting ...he never really shared how he did become a vampire...probably better not to ask but it would be interesting, “Amshael took a seat next to the headmistress on the bed still asleep and incapacitated from here battle. Sora lifts her head from Yin’s coffin ,“Yin doesn’t like talking about it, although I will gladly let you know if you wish master Amshael.” "Hmm, I would like to know but I am sure the will of the vampire would respect someone more if they asked directly instead of the ones that know them for now I am content in knowing you have his trust and faith... this lets me trust you as well... it must be wonderful an as well as a curse to be a vampire always able to smell the world outside as you sleep but never to feel it's glistening glow against your soft cold skin... forever smelling its freshness on your lovers face and never being excepted by humans, other then your lover possibly glamorized into love, even though you were human once yourself. Oh how I weep for you Yin, I wish that one day you shall see the sun as it is in the sky in day, and not only in a artists crude drawings, and smell of the singed traces of flesh so tiny on a humans skin that even the heightened senses of one so powerful in frailest form can waft into their nostrils with barely a hint of sent left, how I wish that one day you walk again in the light of day, and eat the food that once brought you sustenance instead of the iron drenched liquid you are now reduced to. I wish it so much that I would trade my life as a changeling and pawn of the elements so as to give you a day of bliss in the hallowed halls of daylight and blooming buds." Amshael felt a tear drop from his crest of his eye and turned away for he knew that the words so spoken could never come true and that no matter how powerful a incantation no spell could revert him to human without divine consequence and loss of mind or soul.” None the less it would seem that you cannot here my words, for a hour has passed as the sun has arisen and you are off in a land of corpse dreams. Still bound by your past life reliving your glorious days of human kind an recalling old friends long since gone from there graves to your head, I too shall join this dream of the emerald sleep one day, through will not of my own, but of the unkindness of the mortal nature of my heart I call to you oh old gods of heaven and earth restore my youth one last time and return Sora to a state of youth with me so that one day we will out live our lives, and then start a new. If only to give this poor burdened and forsaken soul a lasting moment of peace and a era of lasting friendship one last time while he is remained on this earth. I take my leave, for now I must go lest my emotions of death bring down such a jubilant occasion of triumph over the burden of this palace... err academy rather, "Amshael descended the steps in a flurry, his cloak rushing behind him as tiny crystalline drops faded in the airs behind him.
Written with inspiration from my guild in hopes that my high schools poetic and art book will publish it (a high honor in the fine arts and English department at Madison high school)

Amshael · Wed Sep 17, 2008 @ 05:03am · 0 Comments |