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Yellow's Precious Thought-bin
Two Nights of Dreaming
I've had this dream.... like, twice now. Night before last was the first time. I was alseep, and I think I woke up (can't tell anymore sweatdrop Too much dreamin'.). So I'm lyin' there in bed, and my window's open, cuz it gets hot here. Well, I hear this tappin', on my window. ANd it freaks me out, so I move really really slow and put my finger in my ear and close my eyes, and go back to sleep. The tapping stopped, eventually.
Well, last night, early in the morning, the dream happened again. The tappin' starts again, and this time, I go to see what it is. I reach the window, and suddenly I'm outside. There's this... spirit, I guess. Just the size of the average human male, but sorta... like glowy? whites and pale yellows. And he said "Why have you called me?" And he's looking at me. So I say "I didn't call you!" And he says "I am the King Light Sprite, and you will tell me why you have called me, or else." And I look, and he's got my mother there, like my real mother, and he's got his arm around her neck, and then he's got my 10 year old cousin, holding onto the cousin's wrist, and they're both struggling, but he doesn't move. And I keep saying that I don't know who he is, or how I called him. He sorta glares at me, and I think he left, but I don't know. Because then the dream skips, and I'm on gaia of all places, looking for the light sprite. And I find all these accounts that people have made, and they're actual spirits, that people could call on. And there's good ones and bad ones, and I don't think the King Light Sprite was on teh good side. Can't remember.
Anyways, I don't know if he'll come back tonight or not. I'm actually kinda hopin', so I can see what he wants from me.
Kinda weird, huh?

I recounted the events to my friend, and then I copypastad them here. I didn't feel like typing everything out all over again.