But I had a waffle anyways.
Sitting on my couch, I found Napolean Dynamite was on TV.
Our ice cream has long since been eaten.
Well....the Vanilla. I finished it on Friday night...
We have Coffee, but I'm not a very big fan of it.
Anyways, that leaves our unfinished Whipped Cream still in the fridge.
With no ice cream to eat it with, why not eat it from the can?
Not like Suzu eats it..anyways...I mean, if he had a girlfriend, she doesn't come over.
And he doesn't talk about her, so I assume he doesn't have one.
Anyways, with him not wanting the whipped cream, that leaves ME.
I asked, he said sure why not.
And so I sat on my couch watching Napolean Dynamite while eating Whipped cream STRAIGHT OUT OF THE CAN.
Awesome much? It was a pretty chill day.
Untill I remembered I had a crap load of homework.
I finished my Japanese project, just now. And I just printed out my English paper, which I finished within 5 minutes. Thank heavens.
But now, I have one Chapter of Science notes to get down
and...not much of Math..but I do have math. And this sucks. But whatever.
I'm just happy I finished my English and Japanese homework.
Damn it.
I feel very releaved, but very tired.
Exhausted, not sleepy.

I am soo releaved I finished it in time.
Great. Now....I don't know what to do though.
I want to sleep in Suzu's room.
It smells like him~ haha.
He smells gooooooooooooooooooooodddddd.
This place is boring.
There isn't much to do.
But watch TV, play video games, drink the beer Suzu leaves in the fridge, bother him, or like...play with my cute dog.
Koko<3 is so cute.
Koko-tan~ had him since he was a little puppy.
We got him when I was 7.
My best friend ever since. Haha.
Alcohol. They're alcoholics.
Suzu, Ru-kun, Rei-chan, and the rest of his friends. Are fricken alcoholics.
Ru-kun came by to drink some from our fridge. I thanked him. Dont want Suzu getting drunk.
Haha. Ru-kun drinks Kirin when he eats lunch. It's..weird. ALCOHOLICS.
Don't blame them though. They don't eat lunch that often anyways.
haha. On the counter, there was like, a crapload of empty beer cans.
I was like, "RU-KUN! WHAT THE HELL."

My grandmother came back from her trip in South Asia. HAHA.
I'm so exhausted, I bet I'll probably colapse in school tomorrow. Whatever.
I think I'll fall asleep on Suzu on the couch tonigh. Good, don't you think? And no Japanese today, too lazy to transition from English to Japanese mind.
hmm..Sleeping on Suzu doesn't sound to bad now. He's comfortable. Especially when I can just cuddle up on his laying figure on the couch. It's so nice~ haha.
Until he pushes me off and walks off to his room. Hmm..that's what I'll do. I'll take a shower, put on some boxers, and cuddle up on Suzu.
And laugh if the lady next door comes over and asks for Nori and sees us..somehow, and freaks. I don't know.
I want my dog. He's right here. YAY.
gah. too lazy to change the language...