the other day in Homeroom, Roi-kun had asked:
Roi:"You don't talk much, do you?"
Me:-shakes head-
Roi:"Is it because you don't like talking, or you don't have someone to talk to?"
Roi:"You can talk to Riku(the boy in front of me). He doesn't talk much either."
And then he tried to get Riku to sit closer to me. Well...he sits infront of the seat infront of me. But no one sits there. So yeah. Lol.
I would thank Roi-kun for his "thoughtfulness" but naw. HAHA.
Yeah~ And I talked to my mom the other day.
I told her that I made a new friend. And she was like, "So what's his name?" And I was like, "HOW DID YOU KNOW IT WAS A BOY?!"
Well....she found out I'm more likely to make friends with guys. I noticed that too.
Regardless of the way I am and the way I look, I'm more likely to befriend guys then stupid girls. Haha.
But I don't like guys. HAHA. But they're awesome, in a way. They make better best friends. Especially since I already have Ai-tan and Sam~
I'm in my pajamaaassss
I feel sooo aawwwsssummmmzzz haha