I don't want tomorrow to come. Hell,
I just don't want to go out on our "road trip."
No buses, no whatever.
Just a car, the entire day, with my phone+earphones(phone is part mp3), Tetora, and Suzuya.
Damn it.
It would be better if we could bring along Koko, our dog<3
But can't so phooey.
Nyaa. I wish we could. It would be so much better. We're gonna find a beach too. We're leaving early.
Nya. I'll probably sleep on our way to the beach.
Godd. I can't believe it. Damn it. Haha.
Tetora and Suzu. In a car....I can just picture it. Tetora and Suzu in the front, every so often switching to drivers seat, and shotgun. Me in the back, listening to my music while they're blasting Aya Hirano or something near it. Even though they don't listen to that.
They listen to Dir en Grey and the like. Haha..so I guess I don't really need to listen to my music much..
Suzu's going to be motherly and pack us some sushi/musubi/and bentos. I want chips and my cookies. I hope he packs that too...regardless if it should be my duty. Haha
Tomorrow will be hell,
and the next day will be even worseee....damn it. lol buttt...
Suzu:"Do you love me?"
Me:"uhh..sure. Yeah."
Suzu:"Good. Because if you love me, you'll come with us tomorrow."
Me:"...no. I don't love you. I love Tetora-niichan!"-runs off to Tetora and hugs him-
haha. damn.