I hung out with Tachi and Kisa after school. Omfg. They're so awesome. Today, I laughed to the point where my cheeks hurt, and I couldn't breathe.
It's been...forever since I've laughed like that.
It felt..nice. Haha.
It was nice.
And then I came home,
and had lunch
So it was good.
All gooddd.
Hell, Tachi lives down the street from me.
OH! Kisa-kun is sooo funny. He's a pervert*cough*likeme*cough* he's so fun to talk to. He's really funny. GUH~ Tachi-kun knows my cousin, and my cousin knows him. They were elementary buddies. Awwkward~

Tetora is strange.
We've already established that, right?
I don't know. I can't remember.
He's weird though.
Can't you tell? Like, the way I talk about him I guess.
If not, then I'm totally off on what website I'm on.
I don't know.
And I just remembered, he's around the same height as me. If not, a tiny wee bit taller.
He's weird though.
He's the second oldest, but almost as short as the youngest. Sadd.
Miyavi-niichan is SUPPER tall. Not really. But the tallest. He's like, 175cm. Suzu is...about...172? I can't remember.
Chihiro is...160..something? haha.
I'm 154cm. Tetora is like, 159 or something. HAHA.

Suzu:"NO. NO. NOOO!!! You are not getting a cigarette!!"
Tetora:"Why not? Let Shiro-chan get some cigarettes."
Suzu:"No. I will not allow any smoking in my apartment."
-at home-
Suzu:-lits a cig-
Tetora:"Contradiction! CONTRADICTION!!"
Tetora is awesome.
I miss Chihiro.
I really really miss him.
AH! Miyabi's birthday is next month~ WOOO.
haha cigarettes.
-both look-
Me:"Suzu~. Why is there a cigarette vending machine in the lobby?"
Suzu:"I don't know. This is the adult part of the neighboorhood?"
Me:"I don't see any condoms!"
Tetora:-laughs-"Because they're all in Suzu's room."
Me:"...ewwwww. That's grossss."
Suzu:"Oh Shiro-chan, stop hiding it." -moves closer to me and wraps an arm around my shoulder."
Tetora:-cracks up-
Tetora:"Sorry. It's an inside joke."
gahh. lol