Chihiro:"It is no fun watching people here. It is like Harajuku on a Sunday."
Miyabi:-sighs-"I agree."
Tetora:"Yeah...but at least we have Shiro-tan!"
Picture by Chihiro~ nyaa.
Straight/forward, see teh lad with the knee high black socks and brown hair?
Behind that, is blonde hair? すずです!
And the black-brown haired one infront of the shorty? みやびです!
Haha. Excentions are fun. I just realized that XD
Wow. This morning was ODD.
Suzu:-pops up in a BABY,thestarsshinebright dress/overall type of thing with a white collar blouse under it, and ALICEANDTHEPIRATES wrist bands and a wand with a little crown on it- -says in a squeaky voice:"Good morning everyone!"
Chihiro:-looks up, then back down at his manga-

Suzu:-in his normal..deep(?) man voice-"I am. Can't you see? Am I pretty? Yes I am. Don't you think?"
Me:"Oh hell...no."
Too bad I didn't get a picture of it...it was fricken hilarious. Yet...scary.
Lol. So yeah. We ended up..going straight into town and such. The car ride was hell. Miyabi drove, Suzu sat shotgun. I sat behind Miyabi, Chihiro in the middle, Tetora at the other end. Miyabi and Suzu were singing to the songs playing on the radio(complete torture). I was playing Kaworu's PSP..haha CRISISCORE<3 Chihiro was e-mailing on his phone, and talking to Tetora. GODDD. I HATE GOING OUT TO EAT LUNCH.
I sit there, munching on my food, as they play around and talk and take pictures and blah. And when I bring out my phone, it's like, "NO TEXTING WHILE EATING." Pfft. Arseholes.
And afterwards, we brought Tetora to the airport and bid him a farewell.
Tetora:"Well, I do have a job after all."
Me:"I know, but we barely get to see you."
Tetora:"Because you live in f*cking Sapporo. Come down to Tokyo some time alright kiddo?"
Me:-glares at Suzu-"It's supposedly unsafe."
Miyabi:"Right! That's true. Anyways, see you later."
Tetora:-bows-"Bye Suzu, Shiro-tan."
and off he goes. Haha.
Gaahhhh. I feel giddy...haha. I was called "cute" and went into giddy school girl mode. My goddd. It was weird. Anyways