Don't fall asleep on grandparents' garage floor.
Two car garage,
but a lot of space.
Hey, why not fall sleep on the floor?
The car wasn't there either. It was in the shop.
Haha. I don't even remember why we were there though.
Oh yeah!
Obaachan had made food, and we went there to eat some. Because she wanted us to. Haha. Oh, but did I eat the food? No, actually. I was tired
so I slept..in the garage. Idiot
They didn't let me sleep this morning! They were like, "Shiro-tan! SHIRO-TAN! WAKE THE F#%K UP!" And I was like, "noo~ NOOO~~!!!" But did they listen? OH NO OF COURSE NOT. THEY'RE STUPID AND MEAN! THEY DIDN'T CARE THAT I HAD SLEPT REALLY REALLY LATE! OF COURSE NOT!!!
Because they constantly reminded me that I had to wake up early ;__;
So instead, I go to sleep late! And expect them to wake me up. I woke up a bit late though. KUSO!

Seriously. There he is.
I was like, "HOLY CRAP!" -faint-
Chihiro:-laughs and tries to help me up-
Me:-gets up- -nose bleed-
haha. He tried to sit in my lap. I was like, "What the hell? I can't even see now!" haha. And in a high pitched maid-ish voice he was like, "Oh, I'm sorry!" And he got up, made me get up, sat down, and had me sit in his lap. We were like, with Miyabi's friends. Because they wanted to meet up at some kind of office thing and so Chihiro and Suzu got bored. Apparently Miyabi brought along his old maid costume that I like to use..haha but yeah. So Suzu popped up with it on. And it was awkward.
-shivers- I hope I recover!