I slept at like, 11. Okay not too bad...but Kaworu called
at like, 5. So stupid woke me up. Well...Kaworu didn't call
but Kaworu texted me. Damn it. And the volume was on the 4th, which is still pretty loud, even though there are like, 8 volume levels.
But the stupid ringtone is like, some hardcore awesome music with screaming.
And I got scared.
I almost fell off the bed.
Fricken Kaworu. I got mad at him. But whatever. Bestie, I suppose
can't get mad.
I feel bad. Anyways, the famous line of today:
"Suzu, stop doing that!"

Chihiro just laughs. Miyabi starts it though. So it's more like, "Miyabi, stop!"
Ahh..today was...awkward. And it's still going on.
I'm tired, I almost fall asleep during classes.
I come home, fall asleep on the couch and wake up to see Miyabi's face RIGHT THERE. It scared me, but he didn't mean to. He said that they thought I looked cute when I slept. So he tried to see if it was true. Aparently to him, it is. But he just had to look closer because I looked so "cute". Whatever. I got up and got on the computer, using Chihiro as a chair. It was kinda funny. He got bored and started playing with my hair. Suzu and Miyabi were trying to wrestle, or whatever.
Haha. Oddness.
And then I got off and decided to sit on Miyabi, who was laying on his stomach on the floor. And then Suzu came and tried to tackle me down.
I kinda fell, And he fell on me. Miyabi was like, laughing. Calling Suzu a pe-do...yeah. It was an awkward pose that we were in. But hey, haha..
wow. They love me though :'D HAHA. I got to eat a cubbycake.
Miyabi:"...aww, so cute, Shiro-tan!"-pinches my cheeks-
Chihiro:"Aww, Shiro-tan. So cute Ne?" -puts his hands together and makes cute faces at me-
Suzu:-laughs--glomps my from behind- "My Shiro-tan."
gahh. I still have to sleep with him today. So cute, Chihiro and Miyabi offered their spot in my room. But I said it was okay. I want them to enjoy their stay. Even if it means that I have to be put through hell with Suzu during the night. It's fun to cuddle, I'll admit that. Although I hate it when he says he's not my brother and Chihiro and Miyabi just laugh it off when I ask.