"Yes master!"
but yes.
I am now afraid of white men.
Why? Because over the weekend, Saturday really. I was at my grandparent's house with Mero-kun(who stayed with me the entire weekend. YAY) but yeah. I was on the computer. My cute doggie was outside<3 we were in the living room and there's this big window and we could see outside and all that. But yeah.
My grandparent's weren't home. Suzu had to go drop them off somewhere. My aunt and cousin lives with them, but they were off ...somewhere.
And then some car pulls up infront of the house, and some man starts pounding on the wall by the garage. My doggie was tied up, but he was going nuts. Like, he was really pissed off. So of course, I was scared.
Stupid me, I went outside to see who it was.
It was my cousin's boyfriend's dad. But we were both in the garage and Mero had a clear view of what was happening. But yeah. Anyways,
He started to yell at me. And I was like, "wtf"

He was YELLING at ME. And cussing and all that shiznits and such.
AT ME. And he came up to me and started pointing his finger at me. My dog was going crazy, and there was practically venom in his bark. He was soooo pissed off that some guy he doesn't even know was yelling at me. Hell, he gets all mad when someone hugs me. He's practically Suzu!
But yes. And Mero was pissed off too. When the guy finished ranting and finally left,I went into the house, I was shaking, my dog was still all pissed off and pacing. Mero was staring at me, his eyes big. He was like, he said he was ready to go out there and attack the guy if he even dared lay a finger on me. My dog was ready to tear the guy to shreds.
PFFT. THESE PEOPLE MAKE ME FEEL SO UKE. And so when Suzu came back, he locked up and got the dog in the car, and we went back home because all he had to do was drop them off. But yeah.
And then I Told him. And he got pissed that some adult even dare yell at some underage person. I thought he was just being over protective, but everyone else in our family like my cousin and her boyfriend, got really pissed too.
They said I should just call the cops next time anything like that happens instead of going outside.

Well anyways
the aparment is rather lonely without Mero. Who my dog likes. And likes me dog.
IT's like....yellow, not blond. But..blond. It's...funny really.
Yeah. So Mero-kun's mom picked him up on Sunday afternoon. We were waiting outside on the sidewalk. Not much people passed by. I had this big Lolita Hair Bow in my hair. And I was dancing. Mero was climbing the wall.
And then Mero's mom came. And gave me eggs. Haha. It was so cute!
But yes.
I miss company now.
I feel lonely. HAHA