Suzu:-looks away-
Today sucked.
I just had breakfast. And I was in a horrible mood. Seriously.
Too the point where Suzu was really really pissed off at me. We haven't talked since like, 2. I wonder how long this is going to last...
Well anyways. Today was boring.
I was dragged to the mall. Even though I really really didn't want to go. I mean, it was obvious too. You could tell I didn't want to be there. Damn it. And Suzu took it as a "I don't want to be here, I absoultely hate you. I'm an ungrateful person that I don't want to spend time with you when you're the one who takes care of me," and all that jazz.
I think I should make it up to him.
Hell, he isn't even related to me. And yet he still takes care of me.

Ugh...I think my dream I had the other night made me all grouchy.
So yeah. Okay, well on Halloween we went trick or treating. Suzu was at his friends house which was a few houses down from Dai-chan's. We went there first, and Suzu decided to help pass out the candy. My day was really bad, and I was in a really bad mood because of Tachi-kun to the point where I was crying. And so as Dai-chan and his sister went to get candy, I stayed by the sidewalk so they wouldn't tell that I was crying.
But yes that happened in my dream.
But in my dream, Dai-chan left before I could follow and Suzu came outside and wrapped his arms around me. Creepy, yes. Because I was in my Lolita dress looking all sad and shiznits. And he started getting closer and I was like, "..." And he was like, "Aww you're crying. Don't cry." And I was thinking in my head, "Wtf. Are we gonna make out or something?" And he was like, "Yes, we're going to kiss." And he kissed me.
>.< Dood
But then I woke up
and I was all...blushing and yeah.
Weird though. I've never had my frist kiss, let alone my first relationship.
I feel like eating waffles. I'm gonna go make some, and probably play "Siren"....even though I'm scared of that game. It's Lugo's, but he let me borrow it..Oh. I just realized
when I'm hanging out with my friends, mainly Meiun, Lugo and Yuki, I'm usually treated as the baby. I'm the shortest, and probably the most timid. I can get pretty tough, but nothing compared to them. HAha. And so they usually carry me if anything. I find it funny. I can sit in their lap, I can ask them for piggy back rides, I can hold their hands, I can skip with them, and they don't even mind. HAHA. I'm totally the baby.
OH! Did I tell you, that on Halloween we got to wear our costumes to school. I wore the Lolita dress, and pretty much EVERYONE thought I looked soo cute. Even Lugo was like, "You're so cute! I'll give you a hug for it! Can I hug you?" Haha. And I hugged him. But it was soo funny. I was cute! HAHA. I was so happy, I felt pretty X3 haha. But yeah. And then in town, people driving by would stare at me. Either with a creepy smile on their face, or like, in awe or something.Pretty much yeah.
But whatever.