Oh yeah, the other day
I forgot about this funny conversation Mero, Aoi and I had in the car after we dropped off Rikku.
So Mero was listening to the 2nd album from My Chemical Romance (pfft. We miss how they were before they went on US MTV...stupid america) but yeah. And it was Cemetery Drive. And there was that line, something about wearing the dress your husband hates. And then like, we started talking about what the dress would be like, the one that our husband hates.(Okay..why we wear dresses it ...nevermind. why we would even HAVE husbands later on...I do not know) But yeah. Mero was like, the dress Mero's husband would hate would make Mero look fat. Haha. And Mero was like, "FINE. Now I'm going to go to the cemetary and stay there in this dress you hate. Or something like that. It was kinda funny. And then I was like,well I'll be the lame one who never gets married and is stuck with Suzu. So Suzu would be like, "Shiro-tan! Don't wear that hidious American dress! Wear the Haruhi Suzumiya outfit I bought you!" haha and mero was like, "maid dress!" and then we turned to Aoi.
And we figured Aoi in a dress, like hell. Aoi's too good for dresses.
Nya. I don't like school. I hate quizess.
I hate english. I don't need to learn English. I already know the simple stuff. STUPID ENGLISH.
I hate America o(_ _)o stupid English