Me:"I'm not flirting with him!"
Su:"You so are!"
Me:"Not!" -runs away-
haha. ANYWAYS, lmfao. I suck at cooking rice. The blame goes to the stupid rice cooker.
My rice is either mushy and moist, or too dry.
Tonight, I made mushy moist rice. Suzu calls it my sushi rice. Because when I make sushi, it's like, soaked in fricken mirin or whatever. haha. And because it's sticky, and sticks .....pretty well. So it's pretty fun to mold because it holds. Haha.
But I like my moist ish rice. I Dunno why. Because the meat's usually dry. Yes. I suck at cooking. BUT HEYY, I make up with my baking skills.
Yeah, and today was kinda funny. Maiko was talking about Kain and being all lovely and stuff while we were walking back to class from lunch. Mero was like, "Help!" and I was like, "noo, it's okay." And it was even funnier. Because we were speaking in English, and not much people really speak english. Fluently too. And Mero was like, "Come here! Get your butt over here. Come here maid." And I stopped in my tracks and looked down at my feet and went all uke.
And then I was like, "I'm so so sorry master!" haha.
and people walking by where like, "..."

I'm not doing so well today.
I give up on the world.
"You have not truely lived, until you found something worth dying for."
My poor dog, is nearing the end of his life. He's old.
I'd die for him. But hey, that's not what they mean by living.
You know what?
I don't think I'll ever find a reason to live.
I'm sure about it.
Oh, and I got ticked off, and then ranted.
A very long rant on America, and how lonely my life is. HAHA. yeah. I fail like that.
But I really dislike America and the lack of morals there.
And I dislike how no one tends to really care for me.
I hate too much...I really do.
Well...it's not like I hate.
I just dislike and which horrible things upon.
I do believe the only time I'll open up is when someone teaches me to.
How? I don't know. One of those cliche lessons when I meet someone.
And they somehow show me how to open up. Or...I only open up to them.
I've never really opened up to anyone....thats what you would hear about me. And that I'm pretty quiet.
Give me something to love, and will love me back.
Give me a person I could cherish, and will cherish me back.
But that never will happen will it?
I'll never have someone. End of story.