It's very cold.
Yet I still use a fan whenever I come home from school.
My home is very cold.
It's been a while since I posted anything, ne?
Did I mention it's very cold?
Yeah. I have...
I don't like the winter. I'm always cuddled up on my bed in my spongebob fleece blanket thing. That and my socks, and I'm warm.
My hair is stupid.
It won't stay straight because of the moisture in the air.
Because it's so cold.
If anything, the ends curl slightly and thats it.
But whatever.
Also, Suzu's phone is stupid. At night after I straighten it from washing it, it makes my hair look really brown..and fried. HAHA. Wait..they's probably why it looks brown.
But it's like, pretty much black with red-ish I dunno. Natural high lights I suppose
My hair color seems to change just as much as Hazel eyes go from green to brown to hazel then to brown or green and back again.

I have nice eyes?
Well thank you.
I think I was suppose to do something otday. But I don't know.
I rather not. I'm sick of my friends. Honestly. The ones I have outside of school.
I've had enough.
I hate too much.
I've been sleeping with Suzu lately.
He keeps me warm. HA.
The heater is in his room, and theres one in the living room. My room is cold.
I even sit on my floor with wrapped in my blanket as I straighten my hair.
Right now, I'm on the couch with my spongebob blanket over me, and tucked around my legs so I'm warm. And I have my laptop on my knees. Suzu's making breakfast right now.
Haha. Yes this early.
Because he woke up to go use the bathroom. He's on the outside of his bed. And I'm against the wall. He came back and almost sat on me because I rolled to his side. Haha. He made me roll over and I did and he went back to sleep. And I woke up and went on my laptop and he got up too because he claims the music is too loud. To be honest, the stupid volume is pretty low. Haha.
I think he was lonely. Ne?
HAHA. But yeah.
And now he's sining.
And I have the TV on...