Meh life's pathetic. I'm being ignored by all, and I feel shuned to a small corner like an abused dog. Meh family is going haywire and I can't have a life in skool because of meh father. I'm not going to cut or something of the sort cuz I'm better then that and I'm one to pitty the dumbass's that do. I only have a few that I can confined in, and the others are just there because they can be. Why must life be so cold to the ones that bring warmth to it? n.n...... So.. yah... Being ignored everywhere sux.... x-x
So, that being said.. Bonjour to all.
I feel so unluved.. n.n
Put 'Soaps is luved' in your siggy to prove meh wrong.
-Alright, since I'm in a confection mood.-
Meh friends irl have come to confide in meh and talk to meh about their problems. I get over welmed sometimes over their problems, I get depressed for them. Meh friend Coral's a whore(not saying this to be mean) and she's been cutting her bf's name into her leg. Last week I took a razor of hers and broke it in half cuz I was pissed at her for it all. Meh best friend's ex has come to be hittin on meh and I'm so disgusted over it.
I've been wounded up like a spinning top, and I had a good run. But now I'm coming to the end of meh rotations and am slowing down.
So, if your reading this, plez do comment on to what I can do to this stuff>.>
God damn.. I'm so lame.. x-x
Luv to all that care. <3
DarkSoapSud Community Member |
Community Member
heart -.- <3