I hate that game.
I suck at it.
Never want to play it.
But I like to hit things
and hear the noise that the balls make slapping against eachother.
And somehow,
that just sounds really wrong.
And did you know, that as I am typing this out, these words come straight and fresh from my mind and myself. And I am thinking in a monotone type of voice.
How interesting.
I'm so apathetic. Geh.
But yes. 3 to 2. He won.
Suzu beet me at pool. By 1 game. It was first to 3. He was first. He won.
I didn't even know what I was doing. He was guiding me through.
I hate this game.
Stupid stupid stupid.
Gya. We were listening to Uroboros too.
I was so motivated too!
not to win though. HAHA.

"Negative Dislike Chainsaw" and some "Standard Pink Number"
haha Suzu got me hooked on the band.
He's stupid like that.
I Don't know.
I still don't like Jun ex razz HANTASMAGORIA.
I don't like his voice at all. The music he makes is okay, but I don't like his voice.
Those who think his voice is amazing, my god you MUST be American because that's the main people who like his voice. Here, it's just the music and the meaning of the songs. His voice is like...
But whatever.
I have a lot of hate for America.
Suzu straps me to the fricken couch and makes me watch these Disney movies.
But...Disney honestly sucks now. I mean, I watched their movies up to Mulan, and I just hate the rest.
Well..Wall-E is PERFECT for America. I mean, seriously. Lazy bastards.
:/ they let technology control their lives.
I only use techonology to light up my room, and make communication easier. I don't like having to sit down. I like walking.
Thank you very much.
Right now I'm listening to my playlist on my profile. HAHA. oh my god.
"I'm your little butterfly."
Because of that, Suzu's been calling me, his "little uke butterfly."
And I'm not "Green black and blue"
I'm "Pink black and white."
haha. I like strawberries.
I had crepes...I had to throw one away today because I couldn't finish it, and Suzu didn't want to eat it. And he said it would go bad if I put it in the fridge because the creme in it will get all bad and shiznits and whatever because it was already melting.
So I threw it away, crying...haha. Seirously. Today is not my day.