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Yellow's Precious Thought-bin
So much stress...
And I can't even talk about it anymore.
I have, however, been a major b***h lately. I'm grounded from the comp (don't ask why I'm on now) and it's taking a toll on me.
I'm severely confused. Judus is being stubborn (but I still love 'im to death). I'm tired. I'm cranky. I'm jealous that Erick is getting all of Angel's attention.
Just bitchy in general, I guess.

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The AnimeAngelChan
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Nov 26, 2008 @ 05:26am
Don't be upset Ah-chan. YOU know that Angel loves ya and this Erick guy can never take your place XD
As for the comp, I'd be happy to text you but I ran out of minutes texting with Jancy.
Call me if your allowed to.
heart Ah-Chan heart

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