so. Downstairs in the 3rd bottom floor, we have a couch. Its a white couch that has like, hundreds of green thin stripes on it. So, it folds out into a bed, so its really a complicated old couch. And lots of stuff gets lost in that couch. like, IN, the couch. not just under the pillows and cushions, I mean IN the couch. All that mechanical stuf doesn't help either. and the couch is so big, I think its eating things. one day I brought down a bag of pretzels own there, and the next day, it was IN the couch. It scares me. its become my cats house also. undr the fold out bed thing, theres this bigish space under the couch, and my cat LIVES in it. when ever hes not on my bed, hes in the couch house. we check weekly for poop, but we haven't seen any so far, our cat goes through the doggy door. Also, i can make the most intense forts ever. you see, i took this 7 foot high cat post, a mini trampaline, a couple chairs, pillows, and blankets, and i had the coolest fort ever. Imagine the cat post to the far left, and the trampoline staged on its side on the oposite side of the cat post, the far right. (the fort is apout 5 foot by 6 foot.) the back side of the fort is made of the wall of the house, and the front side of the fort is made of four chairs. Put pilows upright under the chairs to make mini walls, and then prop some blankets over it all. Its A M A Z I N G ! ! ! ! not to brag though. I've got fort making Skilz.
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Maybe. biggrin