ladiidoooo. hrm..... Chistmas break is almost here, and I feel tired of school. i just want to sit in the halls and talk with all of my good friends. We would laugh and probably pop popcorn in mr.Winkleys room without him knowing about it, cuz he is gone. then i'd go sit awkwardly in the library alone, reading the sunday comics, waiting for someone to talk to me. the Vending machines would be completely empty, and the kitchen would be raided. Middle schoolers and highschoolers alike, would throw away those cans of care bears their feeding us, and bury them in the back of the school which is actually the front, the courtyard took its position. Everyone would take clay from the VA room, and put it on the wheels just to make some weird twisted sculptures that look nothing like bowls. i'd eventually join them, but we would end up putting all of our clay on one wheel, and we would try to sculpt a giant master peice. Then when we went to go wash our hands, we would run out of ot water, so we would raid the bathrooms. We would make fun of the people taking potty time in the cafetiria bathrooms, cuz it echoes in there, and theres no doors, its like a public bathroom. hahahahaaa. The teachers would watch us in the faculty room, loking at us from the camers stationed around the school, and eventually join in on th fun, besides mr. Olson. he would just bicker and say, stinky, or thats poopy, his famous quotes. At the end of the day, no one would want to leave school though. i know i wouldn't. smile
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