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Yellow's Precious Thought-bin
Letter to Sarah (Buckle Up)
Hey sweetie! I know we've never met or anything, but you know who I am. And I know exactly who you are.
Where the ******** do you get off!?
I mean, seriously! You've got bigger balls than I'm givin' you credit for apparently, if you can just run from DESTINY, for N-G's sake! Seriously bullshit, missy.
You are stronger than any of us. Waaaay stronger. You're like, 9 times as strong as Angel is, and I don't even want to THINK how much stronger Angel is than me. You can do things with magick that I'd never even dreamed were possible.
So how the ******** do you go and pull this s**t!? Don't even get me started on your apparent lack of human morals, either! You're suddenly SCARED!? I, in my weak and depraved 1-and-a-half month's of unnatural magickal development, FOUGHT AGAINST HIM. He tried to steal my energy. Do you know what I did? I took his back. He tried to take Angel's power. Do you know what HE did? Cut off the b*****d's hand.
I have had to deal with ******** LEGIONS of angels making regular ******** patrols in my neighborhood. I've had to create spells that are nearly beyond my ability to create because my life depends on it. You could weave these spells in mere seconds; don't try to deny it, because I know you could. What takes me 20 minutes takes you probably not even a blink and a twitch of your finger. YOU CREATE ******** REALMS!
And you're going around trying to be scared shitless? Again, missy, WHERE THE HOLY NEGA-GOD GIVEN ******** DO YOU GET OFF!?!?!? How DARE you have the audacity to drop out on us! I looked up to you, without ever having met you face to face. I looked up to you. You were my guiding light, you were what gave me hope. Angel gives me the drive to fight, but you were what inspired me. What made me actually WANT to be in this War. To fight for what was right, what we needed to do. In fact, if I recall correctly, you're the one that told me to be strong! You told me that we needed to stick together. You saved Angel's life on more than one occasion, I'm sure! And you want to go crying to a ******** Goetian spirit because you love him more than your husband and you're scared of something stronger than you are!?
Face it, sweetie. It happens. There are a lot stronger spirits out there than that self-absorbed unommitigated ********, and you can't even handle HIM!? What could he possibly have done to scare you so badly?
"I am God. BOO!"
You: "Oh noez, whatever shall I do!? Sorry guys, I'm out! He scared me so I have to go crawl up in a fetal position and cheat on my husband so that I can feel better about myself. Of course, I realize that I'll never have a good night's sleep again, and if we lose this war, I'll know that the whole spiritual community holds me solely responsible, but oh well! At least I didn't have to fight the big bad man!"
How can you even bear to look at yourself in the mirror? Do you honestly believe that he's going to leave you alone? Just because you can't handle psychological warefare? Don't you play video games!?
You... you've been pampered. You haven't had to go through what Angel and I have. You've been supported and had your hand held. To hell with the fact that your power is beyond my comprehension even, you're scared. And that means you're weak.
I'm not letting this fall apart. I'm not letting you do this to us. I'm going to pull your a** along with us if I have to pull it IN PIECES. You think it's that easy? You get to say that you're not going to fight because you're scared? No. Never that easy.
As my friend and poppet Ganon is always telling me, as well as N-G and every other spirit I have in my presence, "War is never easy."
That means you're going to cry. You're going to kick and scream. You're going to throw a fit and beg Valac to not make you go. And I'm going to kick both of you in the shin, tell you to grab the balls and call yourself a man, and drag you down with us. If we die, we're dying a glorious death fighting for what we believe in. Fighting for WHAT IS RIGHT. Not crying in our rooms, wondering how it's going and fawning over some jerk that doesn't even know how to exercise self-control and limitation when in the presence of a human being!
Sarah, you have pissed me off greater than I though possible. You have hurt me in a way I didn't think I could be hurt. My spirit is nothing but a seared mass of burns, but you still managed to find a new way to destroy a small part of it. Look at my forearms, next time. Look at them. You see the part where it looks like a blade peirced between the bones? Congratulations. You stabbed my soul. Feel happy about it.
I'm completely shaking. I can't believe you. And I can guarantee that everything I've said, none of it's gotten through to you. But I don't care. This is why I'm fighting. Even if I have to fight a personal war against you, I'm still going to. And I'm going to win, just like the rest of us are going to win the big War. You're going to throw a fit. I know you are. But I don't care. You're coming down, I'm going to put you on that blood-red horse, put the greatsword in your hands, and lead your sorry a** across that battlefield. O ye of little faith, what can you say for yourself now? What excuse do you have? War is never easy. Why would you think it could be?
Sarah. You don't deserve the honor you're getting. You don't deserve the power you have, if you can't even use it for what you know it's for. But you deserve to be given another chance, because I know that's what we need. We need all of the Chosen. You included.
You're going to be on that horse, thundering down the battlefield with the rest of us. Even if I have to superglue your a** on there, you're going.
Try and say no. I dare you to piss me off again.
Oh, and just for the record? No. I have absolutely no respect left for you. Whatever you had earned as an exalted elder to me, you have lost it. You will now be treated like the child you're acting like. And you're lucky you're even getting that, rather than having me strip your hide off and use it for a dress.

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Dec 19, 2008 @ 11:08am
My god... *backs away slowly* I'm impressed and terrified all at the same time. It used to be Kay-chan had to fight your battles for you, and now here you are standing strong and unwavering and telling the truth same as I told it to you all those months ago. Yay for you!! *glomps* But then I'm afraid, because... I dunno. But reading this letter... I fear you now *backs away again* But at the same time, I want to understand...

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