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Yellow's Precious Thought-bin
Questions That Need Answering
I agreed to answer any and all questions on the 31st. And I don't know what to do.
I can't see any immediate reprecussions; I don't see how her memory could be destroyed that close to the date. I don't know, though. I want to keep her safe. But I also don't want her to be in the dark anymore. I'm conflicted.
I think this is for the best; me telling her. I won't volunteer any more information than she asks for is all. So I guess that's good. I think my biggest worry is her not believing me.
It's funny, actually, when you look back on it. I told both Cassandra and Jesse about Jude. Jesse is Christian; I expected her to call me a heathen. Cassandra is a Wiccan; I expected her to tell me everything I needed to know about all of it. And it didn't work out remotely close to that.
Cassandra doesn't believe me. She doesn't even think that my family exists.
Jesse believes me whole-heartedly. And she's accepted any additional news surprisingly well.
So will she believe me about this? This is pretty out there, even for me. But this is my reality now. So I don't know what she'll do. She still insists that she's Christian, but she still has no trouble believing me and supporting our cause.
I don't know. I can guarantee that she'll never guess what's happened, and will never believe that I am what I am.
But I was Christian, and I believe me, so I don't know. I guess I can only wait until tomorrow, right?

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Dec 29, 2008 @ 06:38pm
Heathen? Dear, I have never thoughtof anyone as a heathen. First off, I am a Methodist. Lol. We are the most laid back Christians out there. Ha ha ha. Look, I may call myself Christian, but I question god myself. I question everything. I grew up Christian, but all of the time, I find myself contradicting or thinking about other things. I question God. For the longest time I have alwasy held the belief that there are other things out there. Also the belief that anyone is entitled to believing anyhting they want. I also believe that every religion has truth to it.

For now... I am a Christian, but that is subject to change. It always has been. I diubt my belief all of the time.

So... we'll jusst aboiut tomorrow. Regardless, you still have my support. ^.^

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