HARUKA Gender: Feminine Usage: Japanese Other Scripts: 遥, 春花, 晴香 (Japanese) From Japanese 遥 "far off, distant". It can also come from 春 (haru) "spring" or 晴 (haru) "clear up" combined with 花 (ka) "flower" or 香 (ka) "smell, perfume".
 ((Haruka Kaseki Age-16 Sixteen Problem-Family issues, Beaten Fear-Parents, yelling Weakness-Lack of confeidence Easily distracted. (Usually by animals. Or gets bored.) Personallity-Quiet, keeps to herself. Usually very calm. Has a very rare temper. Takes care of cousins Izzy. and Lily. Iz is blind. And Lily thinks about real chocolate covered coat hangers among other things. Parents-Tadashi Kaseki & Naiomi Mitsune Sisters-Shizuru and Kisa mitsune. (Half sisters) Brothers- Senga Flare (Half brother from previous marrige)- Kain Tobin and Dexter. (Littke info but they are blood related younger then Haruka who cares for them.) Likes-Violin and drawing Magic Dislikes-Piano, Scaley slimey things. Fighting for the most part. Favorite food-Curry Favorite drink-Her homemade tea. And or sweet tea. Favorite Animals-Dogs cats and white tigers Favorite color-Pale blue Favorite past-time- Claasical/Non-classical music Talent-Singing and flower arranging making poisons out of flowers. Favorite flower-Lilies Race-Human/spellcaster and or vampire))
NAOMI (2) Gender: Feminine Usage: Japanese Other Scripts: 直美 (Japanese) From Japanese 直 (nao) "honest, straight" and 美 (mi) "beautiful". Haruka,Kisa,and SHizuru's mom when she was young and alive.

AKARI Gender: Feminine Usage: Japanese Contributed by Espeon225 on 4/2/2006 Akari means "the light" in japanese. AKARI Gender: Feminine Usage: Japanese Frequency: rare Other Scripts: Akari Pronounced: A-car-e Other Forms: akari Contributed by akari_shinobi on 6/19/2008 "The Light" This is only appropriate to name a child if they are twins and the other ones named Akumi

Closest to Reiko
RIKO Gender: Feminine Usage: Japanese Other Scripts: 莉子, 理子 (Japanese) From Japanese 莉 (ri) "jasmine" or 理 (ri) "truth" combined with 子 (ko) "child".
Closest to Meiko
MIKU Gender: Feminine Usage: Japanese Other Scripts: 美空, 美久, 未来 (Japanese) From Japanese 美 (mi) "beautiful" combined with 空 (ku) "sky" or 久 (ku) "long time". It can also come from a nanori reading of 未来 (mirai) "future".
Meiko and Reiko picture-

HIKARU Gender: Masculine & Feminine Usage: Japanese Other Scripts: 光, 輝 (Japanese) From Japanese 光 "light" or 輝 "radiance".
HIKARI Gender: Feminine Usage: Japanese Other Scripts: 光 (Japanese) Means "light" in Japanese. It is often written ひかり using the hiragana writing system Hikari and Hikaru multiple variations

number two- 
Number three-- 
KAI (3) Gender: Masculine & Feminine Usage: Hawaiian Means "sea" in Hawaiian.
 Other older brother also missing.
AKITO Gender: Masculine Usage: Japanese

Protective older brother os HAruka Kisa and Shizuru. He has gone missing for five years so far.UNknown.
Izzy or
ISABEL Gender: Feminine Usage: Spanish, Portuguese, English, French, German Pronounced: ee-sah-BEL (Spanish), ee-za-BEL (French), IZ-ə-bel (English), ee-zah-BEL (German) [key] Medieval Provençal form of ELIZABETH. It spread throughout Spain, Portugal and France, becoming common among the royalty by the 12th century. It grew popular in England in the 13th century after Isabella of Angoulême married the English king John, and it was subsequently bolstered when Isabella of France married Edward II the following century. This is the usual form of name Elizabeth in Spain and Portugal, though elsewhere it is considered a parallel name, such as in France where it is used alongside Élisabeth. Note she is blind--

LILY Gender: Feminine Usage: English Pronounced: LIL-ee [key] From the name of the flower, a symbol of purity. The word is ultimately derived from Latin lilium

Kisa is kitty in german
 ((Kisa Mitsune Age- Seventeen Problem-Anger issues Fear-Lossing self control and scaring Haruka. Weakness-Temper Personallity-Easily irritated Parents-Ryouskei Takaharei & Naiomi MItsune. Sisters-Haruka and shizuru Brothers-Senga dexter tobin kain Likes-Fighting Dislikes-Loosing fights Favorite food-Spicey hot buns Favorite drink-Cool aid Favorite animal-Snakes Favorite color-Crimson red Favorite past-time -Fighting Talent-Fighting Favorite flower-Red ones Race-Half demon/vampire Bio-Kisa was a shrine Preitess at the age of Fifteen. She vivisted the graveyard often as she could to draw. Eventually she met a wandering sould going by the name of Kai. Back then her spiritual powers were far exceeding her Step sister's Haruka. Whom at them time was twelve. Kisa is always concerned for HAruka's saftey. She has a tendency to over react. Nearly driving herself to the brink of insanity more then once. Kisa resercted the soul Kai. Back then she was as trusting as a small kid. Turned out he was a vampire. He soon used a control seal. And then turned her. Kisa still has a deep hatred for him. Afraid he'll hurt Haruka. Or any more of her family.))
Closest to Shizuru
SHIZUKA Gender: Feminine Usage: Japanese Other Scripts: 静夏, 静香 (Japanese) From Japanese 静 (shizu) "quiet" combined with 夏 (ka) "summer" or 香 (ka) "smell, perfume".
((Shizuru Mitsune Age-Eightteen Problem-Taking care of her younger sisters Haruka and Kisa Fear-Loosing them both Weakness-Her sisters Personally-Overbearing and over protective. Parents- Ryouskei Takaharei & Naiomi Mitsune Sisters-Haruka Kaseki and Kisa Mitsune Brothers-Flare Kain Tobin Dexter Likes-Haruka's cooking and books. (Her room holds two to three hundred books wall to wall.) Dislikes-Spicey and sour things Favorite food-Yaisoba Favorite drink-Canned Coffee. Favorite animals-Any and all. Favorite color-Green Favorite past-time- Gardening and reading Talent-Writing Favorite flower-Sakura Race-Neko mix))
TsunKitty · Mon Dec 29, 2008 @ 07:12pm · 0 Comments |