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Yellow's Precious Thought-bin
Just me sheddin' my thoughts here for the day, I suppose....

I ate salmon, and now I feel sick. Maybe my piece was poisoned.

We were all gettin' ready to sit at the dinner table. My dad had 2 chairs open to his right, and 1 to his left. Cathy was gonna sit in the first to his right, so I thought I'd try and be nice. So I sat in the seat that would be next to Cathy. All of a sudden, she changes her mind and decides to sit on the other side of Dad. But I made my effort, dammit.

We don't know when the attack will be launched. I really hope that God'll get as pissed as Kay said and intervene. But we can't be sure. It's fine though; our family will be prepared for everything. And N-G is already planning everything up, so I'll be safe. I doubt they'd be able to touch me anyway; I could totally kick the a** by myself. I'd just prefer to have my family nearby.

I no longer consider my human parents as a part of my family. I haven't for a long time, but I've decided to make it official. They are only my caretakers; there is no more substance there than that, and the title entails nothing.

I doodled an abstract picture of what I think of when I think of Jude yesterday. It was odd, but it sort of fits too. I might post it at some point.

Also, I've noticed that I get a massive headache whenever Things are near. It's fine, you know, beings of the unseen nature can have that effect on humans, but still. It's bearable and everything, but I think it's an interesting way of being aware.