I share an umbrella with Suzu!
And I'm so short, you probably can't see me because I'm hiding behind him.
Ramen is good.
Sushi is good too.
But I'm more of a noodles person. udon is good. Gyoza...is good. I can eat a lot of that. And Ramen. Oh, and miso soup.
And out of no where, rice. Shiro likes rice noodles, gyoza and miso soup.
Maro's mum makes good miso soup Yokohama..style?
No not really..Maro's grandparents are originally from Hiroshima. But moved a few years after the bombing. So...Maro's mum grew up in Yokohama-area.
Ramen for dinner!
It was raining. And it was cold.
Oh, I went shopping on Monday(...a while ago..sorry) with Suzu
He got me this longsleeve blue and..dark blue stripped long sleeve shirt, and this grey button up v-neck ish sweater. It's too big..it's like, a medium. I'm a small (。・×・。)

but..I would like to get some Dr. Martens...haha
Guilty Pleasure
Punk shoes and Lolita clothes
But yushhhh
I'm more....boy-ish when it comes to shoes. They're all....dirty and messed up and just..boots-y
Suzu on the other hand...fancy pants. If not, then niceee.
But all he wears is just...blackkk. Because his closet lacks color. And all the shirts with the weird sayings are black. And...Akira from Lucky Star, the shirt is black. Loveee the shirt.
I want to steal his pants.
I can't fit them though >.< Too big
Same for his shoes.
He has...okay shoes.
He threw away my fricken pink and black converse! The chucks, that go above the ankle too! The whole color was black, but the details were this...hot pink. He got them for me in 5th grade. They worn out in 7th. And only now he throws them away. I was keeping them, because they made me happy.
But now I'm stuck with big shoes(no, they're the right size, just..bulky)
and...my ...omfg. TUKs<3 lovee
Suzu...gets....a lot of shoes. haha