I'm sleeping at 4 in the morning, waking up between 6 and 8.
And what is weird,
I have enough energy to last through the entire day.
I'm barely eating any food too.
Yet I feel alive.
That's stupid.
Of course I feel alive, I'm breathing, kicking, speaking, and glaring.
I can feel the wind blowing through my hair.
Oh, speaking of which, it is being rather stubborn.
It isn't curly, it's wavy, but goes in every goddamned direction.
Along with that,
I'm messing around with my make up, seeing what kind of things I'm able to do.
Pretty weird. I put on eyeliner, I look even more Asian.
HAHA. On the top lid only, makes my eyes look REALLY ROUND.
I thought it was cute, but then I realized I was looking at myself and I kinda puked.
Oh...my poor mirror.
OH! Yeah, I now have a full-body mirror.
and I have my purikura pictures with Makuro stuffed inside it, so I can see it.
I don't know...
I think the whole reason why I wanted to get a mirror, was to do that. Yeah...I think that's it.
And now I need to put Chihiro-kun's picture on it too. He deserves to be there.
Of course Koko-chan too, but I see him more then I see them, so he can wait.

I should probably upload it.
Because he just looks thick, his paws were big, his ears would droop, and he was just a cute puppy.
I can't believe we grew up together. Well, not really. Up until I was 7 I grew up, as Kaliko-my grandma's old dog- grew old. 7, he died, grandma snapped in my face, really sucked because I came home wondering where he is, and she just yells that he's dead and she's all mad. Since then it's been pretty hard to talk to her. I don't know.
But then, 8-9-ish I got Koko. ALL HE WANTS IS FOOD FROM ME D<
Food, and walks around grassy areas because he just listens to me. Oh yes, and he knows when it's time to come back in.
He knows the meanings of:
Bath time -> In BOTH Japanese and English
Come here-> In Japanese and English
Do you want a tortilla -> in english
and biscuit I call a cookie/kuuki, same damn thing whatever.
But it's HILARIOUS when I just pull out the shampoo and he gets all scared. He knows the bottle of shampoo, even if he hasn't seen it in 3 years. But of course, we bathe him either once or twice a year. Depending on how bad he tends to smell.
It's fun singing to him. Because he'll either tilt his head, or howl. Tilt his head if it's more like you're talking to him, and he'll howl if you sing like, good. Seriously. When my mum sang to him, she sings pretty good too, he started howling. It was funny cute weird.
Oh, see what happens when your sleeping patterns are messed up? YOU CHANGE SUBJECTS LIKE, FAST
damn it.
I need sleep so my mind doesn't change on me and such.