it doesn't take much to piss me off to the point where your life is at stake.
Oh, I beg your pardon?
Yes, I'm a sweetie pie with nothing but love for the world, with cupcakes and flowers to share with everyone else.
To others, I'm supposedly "quiet" and "gloomy".
It's no surprise I crack easily;;
It's already torture hearing the skank's voice overrule everyone else's, yet she gets mad that everyone won't shut up.
She STOLE a damn chick from it's mother, and expects to be treated like a hero for "saving" the abandon thing, when she announced the mother had tried to attack her. Well, GO FIGURE. She is taking the hen's child after all. I would expect it to have it's motherly instincts and try to kill her.
But sadly, she didn't.
And, Yukio, brought the chick to school. As I said, it was already torture having to hear her annoying voice that I had to put through since elementary school. And now having an annoying bird chirping for it's mother, because someone wanted to be a DUMBASS, was even worse.
She gets mad at everyone for making "too much noise" during class, when really, her voice is the most annoying because at least everyone else you can tune out since their voice isn't as loud and screechy as hers. But the damn bird, no matter what, wouldn't shut up. And I'm already pissed she dare take that poor chick away from it's mother.
I snapped.
I actually asked our teacher if she could get rid of it, KILL it. Oh, but Yuiko says she's trying hard! Well, you wouldn't have that problem if you didn't take it away from it's mother. But oh, I don't care about your opinion. Oh really now, you slut? You cause an inconvenience for the class, and it's not even a good reason for it. I suggest we stick it in a blender, maybe ad Yuiko with it.
But oh no, Yoon-sensei, had enough and told her to place it outside. I was shaking with anger, ready to throw the bird out the window, and smash Yuiko's face against the wall, pull at her hair, and kick her until she pukes out blood.
I never did like her.
Oh no, I never did.
Gallarde, or whatever the skank's last name is. I honestly think she's a disgrace to women. I think she's dumber and more of a slut than blond attention whores.
The rest of the class, I pictured sticking her hands into blenders, using a spoon to gouge out her eyes, and fish-hooking her using scissors of some sort.
Poor Yoon-sensei. She visited me at my desk afterwards, and asked if I was okay. I nodded and smiled, that fake smile I give everyone. She fell for it.
But god. I wanted to cry. I haven't felt this angry since the last I spoke to my step-father and mother. And damn do they piss me off so much.
Note to self: I hate more than I love, which will result in aggressive and very violent behavior.
I think it may be genetic, since according to my mother, my father is a very aggressive man. Or was towards her, when they were together. I'm thinking witnessing my father abuse her when I was around 2 may be the reason why I am this way.
I think too violently, and I act to aggressively.
It may also be a result of seeing my mother, and her aggressiveness towards people when they pushed her over the edge.
I just wonder if that effects me. Because I, for one, dislike movies such as SAW. Too icky violence gore. I don't do violence and gore.
Yet I'm the way I am. Movies didn't make me the way I am.
I'm around loving people.
How did I turn out this way?
I can only take so much before I finally crack.
I just hope I don't get myself into trouble when I do.