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Yellow's Precious Thought-bin
Damn Wings
Loki's managed to make the black go almost away three times now. It's been almost completely gone three times. And each time, it just comes back. And I think it moves around, like an actual shadow clinging to my wings. And I can't get it off, and I'm too frustrated and pissed at shadows in general to give a damn at the moment. I just want the ******** off my wings. I want it to go away. I want Ne-chan to forgive Noname. I want him to quit having a conscience as bad as mine. I want to talk to Enki so I'll be a little stronger. I want to talk to my Mommy but I can't until Noname fixes everything like he says he wants to. I want to /headdesk until my forehead is raw and bloody, and then keep going.

I have a tiny bit of good news, though. I finally found my mp3 player while cleaning yesterday.